Основы права

Showing 21-30 of 828 items.
#Название работыТипПредмет
21Modern problems and prospects of development of local self-management in UkraineРефератОсновы права46313
22New democratic constitutionalism in Ukraine: problems of developmentРефератОсновы права8272
23Norms of the international law in courts of the Constitutional justice of the subjects of the Russian FederationРефератОсновы права43082
24PR-проект по формированию позитивного имиджа государственного служащего в Республике ТатарстанКурсовая работа (теория)Основы права10642
25PR-технологии в системе государственного управленияКурсовая работа (теория)Основы права34133
26Practice of consideration of cases on protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens by the bodies of constitutional justice of the Russian FederationРефератОсновы права37470
27Principle res judicata in practice of the European court on human rights and of the constitutional court of the Russian FederationРефератОсновы права48193
28Problems of controllability of region within the framework of strengthening of the imperious vertical of RussiaРефератОсновы права19044
29Psychology of legal education and estimation. Psychology of legal estimation (legal psihonotarologyРефератОсновы права15818
30Rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen and modern realitiesРефератОсновы права19603