Rules of English grammar

Филиал Санкт-Петербургского государственного инженерно-экономического университета в г. Череповце

Кафедра социогуманитарных дисциплин

Контрольная работа

По дисциплине «Английский язык»


Студентки 1 курса

Группы 2 фкп-10

Смирновой Натальи Сергеевны

Череповец 2010г

  1. Choose the proper case of the noun and open the brackets

1.This ( to be ) ( Jane, Janes ) Janes letter.

.(These engineers, these engineers) ( to be ) not at the office now.engineers are not at the office now.

.(My wife, my wifes ) day off ( to be ) Monday.wifes day off is Monday.

.Take ( Nick , Nicks ) pen from Kate.Nick s pen from Kate.

.( My friend, my friends) ( to be ) twenty.friend is twenty.

6.( The engineers, the engineers) letters ( to be ) not on this table.

The engineers letters are not on this table.

2. Choose the proper form of the pronoun and the verb to be

  1. ( You, Your ) flat ( to be ) nicе.

Your flat is nice.

  1. ( He, His ) ( to be ) an engineer.

He is an engineer.

  1. ( She, Her ) daughter ( to be ) thirteen.

Her daughter is thirteen.

  1. ( They, Their ) ( to be ) not students.

They are not students.

  1. ( They, Their ) friends ( to be ) economists.

Their friends are economists.

  1. How old ( to be ) ( she, her )?

How old is she ?

  1. ( To be ) ( she, her ) in that room now ?

Is she in that room now ?

  1. ( To be ) ( he, his ) an economist or a doctor?

Is he an economist or a doctor?

  1. ( To be ) ( you, your ) car good?

Is your car good?

  1. ( To be ) ( they, their ) children pupils or students?

Are their children pupils or students?

  1. ( To be ) ( he, his ) day off Sunday or Mondау?

.Is his day off Sunday or Monday?

  1. ( To be ) ( they, their ) at the office or at home now ?

Are they at the office or at home now ?

3. Fill in the gaps with the article ( a / the )

  1. What is Mikes friend? He is _an___ economist.
  2. What colour is the__ bag ? __The__ bag is red.
  3. Whose spoon is it? Its Nicks spoon. Take __the_ spoon off _the___ table and give it to Nick, please.
  4. Johns daughter is __a_ good girl. She is _the__ pupil.
  5. What book is this? This is _a__ nice book.
  6. Where is __a__ book? It is on _the___ shelf. Take it off __the__ shelf, please.

. Make the plural form of the following nouns

Bed , friend , name , book , hat , day, pie , picture, shelf , woman , tooth, story., pencil , table , cat , map , tie , factory , teacher , wife , man , foot, toy ., friends , names , books , hats , days , pies , pictures , shelves , women, teeth , stories ., pencils , tables , cats , maps , ties , factories , teachers , wives , men , feet, toys .

noun english question translation

5. Make questions to the italized words

  1. Our students answer the teacher s questions during the lesson.

Who answer the teacher s questions during the lesson?

  1. We usually translate long texts from English into Russian at our lessons.

What do you do usually at your lessons?

  1. My sister plays the piano well.

Does your sister play the piano is well or bad?

  1. They attended the conference in Paris.

Where they attended the conference?

  1. Smirnov learns English words at home.

What does Smirnoy learns at home?

  1. He will show you some interesting places tomorrow .

When he will show you some interesting places?

. Open the brackets

( to be ) an engineer. I ( to work) at the Ministry. Last year I ( to be ) a student. I ( to be ) 25 years old now. I ( to have) a family. It ( to be ) not very large. I ( to have ) a wife and a daughter. My wife not ( to work ) now. My daughter (to be ) born last year. She ( to be ) one year old. My parents not ( to live ) in Moscow. They ( to live) in Kiev. They not ( to work ) now. They ( to be ) retired. We often ( to go ) to see an engineer. I work at the Ministry. Last year I was a student. I am 25 years old now . I have a family. It is not very large. I have a wife and a daughter . My wife not work now. My daughter was born last year. She is one year old. My parents not live in Moscow. They live in Kiev. They not work now. They are retired. We often go to see them.

  1. Write compositions About myself ( in 15 -20 sentences, on the separate sheet of paper ) and be ready to speak about it

name is Natalia .I was born in Ukraine in Pavlograd . When I was 6 year old, I am with my parents moved in married , I have a son, Igor. I love my family. My husband works in a factory. My son learns in school and engaged in a professional dance school .He learns well. My parents are retired. They live in the village. We go to likes to relax in the summer on the nature. In the winter we go spare time I like to sew, draw, knit . I work in the agency Ural-Press . I like my job.

  1. Translate the text and be ready to read and answer the questions

Our town, a town in Vologda region, is a big industrial center in the North - West of our is more than 2 hundred years old. It was found in 1777 on the high bank of the river Yagorba. Before 1917 it was a small town with wooden houses and narrow streets. There were only some stone houses and a few mechanical repair shops.the end of the century the town changed beyond recognition. Many industrial plants and factories had been built and new branches of industry had been created such as ship-building, iron and steel industry, chemical and building industries, food and light industries, and some others. New Cherepovets is a large industrial began growing especially rapidly with the construction of the Metallurgical works. The main suppliers of starting raw materials are iron ore enterprises of the Kola Peninsula and coal mines of the Pechora coal fields. Raw materials are brought to the works either by rail way or by water along the Volga-Baltic Chanal.first works` blast furnace was put into operation in 1955. The first Cherepovets iron was produced in August 1955 and steel in May 1958. In February 1959 the first ingot was rolled in a blooming mill and in November of the same year the first hot-rolled plate was obtained.the Cherepovets Metallurgical Works is one of the largest and highly effective modern enterprises of the Russian ferrous metallurgy. Automobile construction, ship-building, agricultural machine-building, construction and many others are the main consumers of the Cherepovets works` production.output of the Cherepovets Works is Exported to more than 50 countries.Cherepovets Metallurgical Works includes iron production, steel making facilities, rolling mill facilities, sheet-rolling department, production of consumer goods and some others.Cherepovets Metallurgical Works has been built according to the latest achievements of engineering and technology of metal production.production processes of iron and steel making are highly mechanized and automatically operated.metallurgical industry the town has many other industries such as ship-building and ship-repairing, chemical, building, light, food a town of builders. Large scale housing and industrial constructions is carried out in the an example of modern large panel and large blocks housing construction. Hundreds of new multy-storey block of flats have been built in the town during the last years. A new town with modern residential areas, shops, schools, hospitals and kindergartens has been built on the left bank of the river Yagorba. A new residential area is now being built on the left bank of the Sheksna river. A bridge across the Sheksna river connects the left and the right banks of the Sheksna river.the construction of the Volga-Baltic Chanal the town became the port of 5 not only industrial town. It is also a center of culture and education. There are 42 secondary schools, 10 vocational schools, 3 technical schools of higher learningare many cinemas, Houses of Culture, libraries, museums, exhibition halls, etc. The population of the town is constantly growing. More than 360 000 people live in Cherepovets. Cherepovets is becoming more and more beautiful and people are very proud of their native be learnt:change beyond recognition - измениться до неузнаваемостиput into operation - вводить в действиеworks - металлургический заводfurnace - доменная печьmill - блюмингrolled plates - горячий листовой прокатroll-formed shapes - холодногнутые профилиmaking facilities - сталеплавильное производство- слиток, болванкаmill facilities - прокатное производствоfar facilities - коксохимпроизводствоfacilities - агломерационное производствоrolling department - листопрокатный цехgoods - товары народного потребления - выпуск, продукция

residential area - жилой район

facilities - оборудование, производство.

Наш город

Череповец, город в Вологодской области, является крупным промышленным центром на Северо - Западе нашей страны.

Городу более 200 лет. Он был основан в 1777 году на высоком берегу реки Ягорба. До 1917 года это был небольшой городок с деревянными домами и узкими улочками. Были только несколько каменных домов и несколько механических мастерских.

К концу века город изменился до неузнаваемости. Многие промышленные заводы и фабрики были построены и новые отрасли промышленности были созданы такие, как судостроение, черная металлургия, химической и строительной промышленности, пищевой и легкой промышленности, и некоторые другие. Новый Череповец является крупным промышленным центром.

Город начал расти особенно быстро с начала строительства металлургического завода. Основными поставщиками сырья железные руды является предприятие Кольского полуострова и угля - угольные шахты Печоры. Сырье доставляют по железной дороге или по воде вдоль Волго-Балтийского канала.

Первая доменная печь была введена в эксплуатацию в 1955 году. Первый чугун в Череповце был произведен в августе 1955 года , сталь -в мае 1958 года. В феврале 1959 года был получен первый слиток блюминга, а в ноябре того же года -первый горячий листовой прокат. Теперь Череповецкий металлургический комбинат "является одним из самых крупных и высокоэффективных современных предприятий черной металлургии в России. Автомобилестроение, судостроение, сельскохозяйственное машиностроение, строительство и многие другие являются основными потребителями Череповецкого производства.

Продукция из Череповца экспортируется в более чем 50 странах.

Череповецкий металлургический комбинат включает в себя производство чугуна, сталеплавильного производства, прокатного производства, листопрокатного отдела, производства товаров народного потребления и некоторые другие.

Череповецкий металлургический завод был построен в соответствии с последними достижениями техники и технологии металлургического производства.

Сложные процессы производства чугуна и стали происходит при помощи высокого механизированного и автоматического управления.

Кроме того, металлургической промышленности города есть много других отраслей, таких как судостроение и судоремонт, химической, строительной, легкой, пищевой промышленности.

Череповец является городом строителей. Большие масштабы жилищного и промышленного строительства осуществляется в городе.

Череповец является примером современных больших панельных и многоэтажных блоков. Сотни новых многоэтажных жилых дома были построены в городе в течение последних лет. Новый город с современными жилыми районами , магазинами, школами, больницами и детскими садами был построен на левом берегу реки Ягорба. Новый жилой район в настоящее время строится на левом берегу реки Шексна. Мост через реку Шексна соединяет левый и правый берега реки Шексна.

При строительстве Волго-Балтийского канала город стал портом из 5 морей. Череповец не только промышленный город. Кроме того, центр культуры и образования. Есть 42 средних школы, 10 профессионально-технических училищ, 3 технические высшие учебные заведения.

Есть много кинотеатров, домов культуры, библиотек, музеев, выставочных залов и т.д. Население города постоянно растет. Более 360 000 человек проживает в Череповце. Череповец становится все более и более красивым и люди очень гордятся своим родным городом.

Теги: Rules of English grammar  Контрольная работа  Английский
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