Английский язык для юристов-бакалавров

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Московская государственная юридическая академия им. О.Е. Кутафина

Кафедра английского языка № 2

Английский язык

Для юристов-бакалавров

учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 1 курса

(Модуль 1)

Москва 2011

Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой первый модуль учебного плана обучения студентов-бакалавров на первом курсе по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции» и является частью Рабочей программы.

Модуль включает в себя две темы:

. Право и профессия юриста.

. Законотворческая деятельность и основной закон России и стран изучаемого языка.

Модуль рассчитан на 28 часов аудиторной работы и 8 часов самостоятельной работы для студентов очной формы обучения.

Пособие разработано в соответствии с Рабочей Программой по дисциплине и ФГОС ВПО нового поколения.

Разработчики - преподаватели кафедры английского языка № 2 МГЮА им. О.Е. Кутафина.

Тема «Право и профессия юриста» - Влахова А.С., к.и.н., доцент, Федотова О.Л., доцент.

Тема «Законотворческая деятельность. Основной закон России и стран изучаемого языка» - Заикина А.В., ст. преподаватель, Владимирова Е.В., преподаватель.



  1. UNIT 1. Introduction to Law
  2. UNIT 2 Why do we need law?
  3. UNIT 3 Law and Society
  4. UNIT 4 Legal professions
  5. UNIT 5 Legal skills
  6. UNIT 6 Applying for a job


. UNIT 1. Legislation in Russia

. UNIT 2. Law-making procedure in the USA

  1. UNIT 3. The United Kingdom legislation

11. UNIT 4. The Constitution of the Russian Federation

. UNIT 5. Constitutions of the USA and the UK



15. Краткий грамматический справочник

. Список использованной литературы



1. Посмотрите на рисунки. Опишите, что изображено на них. Как Вы думаете, каким образом они связаны с понятием «право». Какие сферы взаимоотношений в обществе и между людьми регулируются правом?




. Прочитайте данные ниже определения слова «law», которое переводится на русский язык как «право, закон». Как Вы думаете, какое из определений этого слова больше всего подходит к каждому из рисунков?

  1. A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.
  2. A set of rules or principles dealing with a specific area of a legal system.
  3. A way of life.
  4. A statement describing a relationship observed to be invariable between or among phenomena for all cases in which the specified conditions are met.
  5. A principle of organization, procedure, or technique.
  6. A generalization based on consistent experience or results.

3. Ответьте на вопросы, начиная ответ с одного из выражений, данных в рамке.

In my opinion - по моему мнению I cant make up my mind, but - не могу принять решение, но I am keeping an open mind for the moment - пока у меня нет никакого мнения на этот счет Im (not) sure that - я (не) уверен, что Firstly, (secondly) - во-первых, (во-вторых) Finally - наконец

  1. Can we live without laws?
  2. Why do we need the law?
  3. What spheres of life are regulated by law?
  4. Must people obey laws?
  5. What rules of behavior are accepted in the society?
  6. Do you share the idea that people should look only after themselves and take no care about others?
  7. What rules do you obey willingly?
  8. What rules would you abolish if you could?
  9. Do laws limit your personal freedom?
  10. Must all people study law at school?
  11. Do you feel that laws protect you?
  12. What law would you suggest if you were a Member of Parliament?

4. Прочитайте и выучите идиоматические выражения со словом «law». Составьте предложения с каждым из них. (Идиомы - это устойчивые по составу и структуре лексически неделимые и целостные по значению словосочетания или предложения, выполняющие функцию словарной единицы).

  1. law and order - правопорядок
  2. the law of the jungle - закон джунглей
  3. to lay down the law- a) устанавливать правовые нормы, формулировать закон; б) говорить безапелляционным тоном, не допускать возражений
  4. Necessity knows no law - нужда не знает закона.

5. Посмотрите на карикатуры. Нарисуйте или опишите устно картинку или карикатуру, которая ассоциируется у вас с одним или несколькими из данных ниже устойчивых словосочетаний.

  1. to make laws - издавать, принимать законы
  2. to repeal laws - отменять законы
  3. to break laws - нарушать законы
  4. to obey laws - соблюдать законы
  5. to enforce laws - обеспечить (принудительно) исполнение закона
  6. to apply laws - применять законы
  7. to be against the law - быть противозаконным
  8. to study law - изучать право
  9. to amend the law - вносить поправки в закон

. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами из упражнения 5

  1. The State Duma of the Russian Federation ____ laws.
  2. The government ___ laws and ___ them if they are bad.
  3. The police ___ laws.
  4. Courts and judges ___ laws.
  5. Law-abiding people ___ laws.
  6. Criminals ___ laws.
  7. The students of universities ___ law.



Повторение грамматики: система времен английских глаголов в активном залоге

1. Прочитайте

а) 1-ю форму глагола

б) 2-ю форму глагола

в) 3-ю форму глагола.

made, make, begun, begin, began, was, is, been, were, being, drive, driven, driving, drove, kept, keep, arisen, arise, arose, dealt, deal, dealing, have, had, has, protected, protect, taken, take, took, feel, felt, flaw, flawed, spoken, spoke, speak, seek, sought, choose, chosen, chose.

2. Прочитайте формы сказуемого, которые переводятся на русский язык а) настоящим временем б) прошедшим временем в) будущим временем.

will begin, have protected, is speaking, had taken, made, seek to do, shall have, are driving, has felt, were keeping, ensured, is going to take, will be necessary, deals with, am doing, flaws, was regulating, had chosen, have resolved, are arising, are going to do, will settle, drive, keeps, are applying, rejected, shall respect, imposed.

3. Прочитайте только те словосочетания, которые могут выступать в качестве сказуемого в предложении.

will have finished, alter, in favor of, unlike rules, should not do, to pay, may be forced, would not be necessary, did not live, so special, to drive on, help to safeguard, claims to, ensuring, do not want, applies to, might not be able to go, to speak out publicly, has kept, are regulating, a great deal of order, like, do not use, will choose, is speaking.

4. Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на обстоятельства времени

1. … now (at the moment of speech) we are telling, laws are keeping the society together, he is driving on the left side of the road, they are seeking to change the law;

. … already, by now (by the moment of speech) they have formulated the law, government has authorized the court to complete the investigation, the criminal has broken the law, he has taken unfair advantage of the weaker, the life has changed.

. … last …, … ago, in 1997 (date) people began to create laws long ago, last week the parliament amended the law, yesterday he testified under oath at the trial, in 1985 the Law Society relaxed the rules.

. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

. Students (are studying, study) law at the University. 2. He already (graduated, has graduated) from the university. 3, Last year he (graduated, has graduated) from the university. 4. The police (didnt find, havent found) the killer yet. 5. For about 10 years legislators (discussed, have been discussing) the bill. 6. Every year the State Duma of the RF (is passing, passes) a lot of laws. 7. In 1992 our country (ratified, had ratified) the treaty. 8. Lawyers (came, have come) to the agreement by the end of the present session. 9. You (are looking, look) very thoughtful. What (do you think, are you thinking) about? - I (think, am thinking) about retirement. - But you are only 25. You only just (started, have started) your career. - I (know, am knowing), but I (read, have read) an article which (says, is saying) that a sensible man (started, starts) thinking about retirement at 25.

6. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова, которые выступают в разных функциях в предложении.

Тысячи английских слов свободно используются в функциях нескольких частей речи. Наиболее широко распространена способность выступать в двух функциях у существительного и глагола, например: state - государство, состояние и заявлять, излагать, judge - судья и судить, claim - требование, судебный иск и претендовать, заявлять, force - сила и заставлять, rule - правило, норма и управлять, постановлять. Правильный первый шаг к пониманию смысла английского высказывания - не поиск в словаре русских соответствий английским словам, а определение грамматической роли слова в предложении. К пониманию смысла английского высказывания можно прийти лишь после того, как выявлена его грамматическая структура, при этом необходимо руководствоваться формальными показателями слова и твердым порядком слов в английском предложении.

1. A judge is a court officer authorized to decide legal cases. But who are they to judge us? <#"justify">Almost everything we do is governed by some set of rules. There are rules for games, for social clubs, for sports and for adults in the workplace. There are also rules imposed by morality and custom that play an important role in telling us what we should and should not do. However, some rules -- those made by the state or the courts -- are called "laws". Laws resemble morality because they are designed to control or alter our behavior. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by the courts; if you break a law -- whether you like that law or not -- you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison.are some rules so special that they are made into laws? Why do we need rules that everyone must obey? In short, what is the purpose of law?we did not live in a structured society with other people, laws would not be necessary. We would simply do as we please, with little regard for others. But ever since individuals began to associate with other people -- to live in society --laws have been the glue that has kept society together. For example, the law in our country states that we must drive our cars on the right-hand side of a two-way street. If people were allowed to choose at random which side of the street to drive on, driving would be dangerous and chaotic. Laws regulating our business affairs help to ensure that people keep their promises. Laws against criminal conduct help to safeguard our personal property and our lives.in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. If two people claim to own the same piece of property, we do not want the matter settled by a duel: we turn to the law and to institutions like the courts to decide who is the real owner and to make sure that the real owner's rights are respected.need law, then, to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which individuals' rights are respected. But we expect even more from our law. Some totalitarian governments have cruel and arbitrary laws, enforced by police forces free to arrest and punish people without trial. Strong-arm tactics may provide a great deal of order, but we reject this form of control. The legal system should respect individual rights while, at the same time, ensuring that society operates in an orderly manner. And society should believe in the Rule of Law, which means that the law applies to every person, including members of the police and other public officials, who must carry out their public duties in accordance with the law.our society, laws are not only designed to govern our conduct: they are also intended to give effect to social policies. For example, some laws provide for benefits when workers are injured on the job, for health care, as well as for loans to students who otherwise might not be able to go to university.goal of the law is fairness. This means that the law should recognize and protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality. The law also serves to ensure that strong groups and individuals do not use their powerful positions in society to take unfair advantage of weaker individuals., despite the best intentions, laws are sometimes created that people later recognize as being unjust or unfair. In a democratic society, laws are not carved in stone, but must reflect the changing needs of society. In a democracy, anyone who feels that a particular law is flawed has the right to speak out publicly and to seek to change the law by lawful means.

8. Подберите к английским словосочетаниям из текста русские эквиваленты

1. the purpose of lawa) уважать права отдельного человека2. to live in societyb) отражать изменяющиеся потребности общества3. to choose at randomc) иметь разногласия и конфликты4. to safeguard our personal property and our lives.d) верить в верховенство закона5. to have disagreements and conflictse) защищать основные права и свободы6. to resolve disputes peacefullyf) назначение (цель) права7. to turn to the lawg) иметь право открыто высказать свое мнение8. to respect individual rightsh) жить в обществе9. to arrest and punish people without triali) выбирать что-либо наугад10. to believe in the Rule of Lawj) стремиться изменить закон мирными средствами11. in accordance with the lawk) арестовывать и наказывать людей без суда и следствия12. to protect basic individual rights and freedomsl) охранять нашу собственность и жизнь13. to reflect the changing needs of societym) в соответствии с законом14. to have the right to speak out publiclyn) обращаться к закону15. to seek to change the law by lawful meanso) разрешать споры мирными средствами

. Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом.

1. Almost everything we do is governed by) rules imposed by morality) the courts) some set of rules

. If we didnt live in a structured society with other people ) we would simply do as we please) we would simply do with little regard for others) laws would not be necessary

. Laws against criminal conduct help) to protect our property) to take advantage of other individuals) to safeguard our personal property and our lives.

. We turn to the law) to resolve the dispute peacefully) to decide who is the real owner) to force people keep their promises

. Another goal of the law is) to protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms) fairness) to provide for benefits.

10. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель.

Model: a) I fully agree with the statement.) I am afraid, I cant agree with it.

  1. Not everything we do is governed by some set of rules.
  2. We need rules that everyone must obey.
  3. Laws against criminal conduct dont help to safeguard our personal property and our lives.
  4. In well-ordered society conflicts never arise.
  5. It is impossible to resolve disputes peacefully.
  6. If individuals rights are respected it means that we live in a safe and peaceful society.
  7. Totalitarian governments have cruel and arbitrary laws.
  8. Strong-arm tactics may provide a great deal of order ensuring the society operates in an orderly manner.
  9. Laws should be applied to every person in the society.
  10. The only goal of the law is fairness.

11. Замените русские слова в скобках английскими эквивалентами из текста

The aim of (права) is to regulate the conduct of human beings in society. The aim of (правовой) theory is (рассмотреть) the nature, origin and classification of law. The theory of natural law is based on the belief that there is a set of perfect (юридических норм) for human conduct and (законы) devised by men must be induced by these rules. (Закон) is a term which is used in many different senses. To (юриста) law has far narrower meaning - the principle recognized and applied by the state in (суде). The English (правовая система) has still been copied by many nations. (Судебный процесс) becomes the center of a contest between both parties in which one emerges the winner. By the time of (судебного разбирательства) each (сторона дела) should gain as much information as possible.

12. Работа в парах. Соотнесите английские предложения в правой колонке с соответствующими русскими предложениями из левой колонки. Закрывая попеременно колонки, проверьте друг у друга перевод предложений.

1. Не каждый может работать для общего блага. 2. Юрист - это лицо, чья профессия заключается в том, чтобы подавать судебные иски или консультировать клиентов и действовать от их имени по различным юридическим вопросам. 3. Право - это нормы поведения, установленные государством и применяемые в обществе в форме закона или обычая. 4. Закон - это любая норма или предписание, которым надо следовать. 5. Мы следуем определённым нормам поведения, если принадлежим определённым социальным институтам. 6. Я посоветуюсь с юристом. 7. Она обратилась в суд. 8. Судья отправляет правосудие. 9. Какие факторы повлияли на Ваше решение?1. The law is the rule of conduct established by a government and applicable to people, whether in the form of legislation or custom. 2. Law is any rule or injunction that must be obeyed. 3. Not everybody can work for the goods of society. 4. A lawyer is a person whose profession is to conduct lawsuit for clients or to advise or act for them in other legal matters. 5. We accept some rules if we belong to particular social institutions. 6. Ill take legal advice. 7. She brought a case to court. 8. What factors influenced your decision? 9. A judge administers justice.

. Замените русские слова в скобках английскими эквивалентами из рамки. Переведите текст на русский язык письменно

1. to investigate crimes 2. civil offences 3. to punish the guilty 4. law and order 5. is breaking the law 6. obey the law 7. ignorance of the law is almost never a defense for breaking it 8. were prosecuted 9. legal codeshave many ways of making sure that citizens (подчиняются закону). They make the public aware of what the law is and try to encourage social support for (правопорядку). They use police forces (расследовать преступления) and catch criminals. They authorize courts to complete the investigation of criminal and (гражданских правонарушений) and to pass sentences to (наказать виновного) and deter others. And they make efforts to re-educate and reform people who have broken the law.laws of all countries are to be found in written records - (правовые кодексы) of countries with continental systems, the statutes and case-judgments of common law countries, warning on official forms, and notice in public buildings. Many people do not know where to find these records and do not find it easy to read them. But (незнание законов не освобождает от ответственности). Governments usually expect citizens to be aware of the laws which affect their lives. Sometimes this seems very harsh, for example, when the law is very technical. Shopkeepers in England (преследовались по закону в уголовном порядке) for selling books on Sunday, although they were allowed to sell magazines. However, there are many laws, such as those prohibiting theft, assault and dangerous driving which simply reflect social and moral attitudes to everyday behavior. In such cases a person knows he (нарушает закон), even if he doesnt know exactly which law it is.

14. Ответьте на вопросы

1.What kind of society do we live in?

2.What is the society governed by?

.What is the difference between laws and rules of morality?

.Why do rules of morality and custom play an important role in our life?

.Why are laws designed to control our behavior?

.What are the goals of law?

.When do people turn to law?

.Why do we need the law?


. Прочитайте текст

TEXT 2. LAW AND SOCIETYthe world was at a very primitive stage of development there were no laws to regulate life of people. If a man chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband that was their own business and no one interfered officially.things never stay the same. The life has changed. We live in a complicated world. Scientific and social developments increase the tempo of our daily living activities, make them more involved. Now we need rules and regulations which govern our every social move and action. We have made laws of community living.laws are based on the reasonable needs at the community we often dont notice them. If our neighbor plays loud music late at night, we probably try to discuss the matter with him rather than consulting the police, the lawyer or the courts. When we buy a TV set, or a train ticket or loan money to somebody a lawyer may tell us it represents a contract with legal obligations. But to most of us it is just a ticket that gets us on a train or a TV set to watch.when a neighbor refuses to behave reasonably or when we are injured in a train accident, the money wasnt repaid, the TV set fails to work and the owner of the shop didnt return money or replace it, we do start thinking about the legal implications of everyday activities.may wish to take legal action to recover your loss. You may sue against Bert who didnt pay his debt. Thus you become a plaintiff and Bert is a defendant. At the trial you testified under oath about the loan. Bert, in his turn, claimed that it was a gift to him, which was not to be returned. The court after the listening to the testimony of both sides and considering the law decided that it was a loan and directed that judgment be entered in favor of you against Bert.transactions in modern society are so complex that few of us would risk making them without first seeking legal advice. For example, buying or selling a house, setting up a business, or deciding whom to give our property to when we die.the whole it seems that people all over the world are becoming more and more accustomed to using legal means to regulate their relations with each other. Multinational companies employ lawyers to ensure that their contracts are valid whenever they do business.

. Ответьте на вопросы

. Were there any laws when the world was at a very primitive stage of development?

. Why do we need rules and regulations nowadays?

. Do we notice laws? Why?

. When do we start thinking about the legal implications of our everyday activities?

. In what case may we sue against Berth?

. Where do we testify under oath?

. Did Berth win or lose the case?

. In what cases do people seek legal advice?

. Why do companies employ lawyers?

3. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель


a)I think it is true. The text tells us that ………

b)To my mind, it is false because …………

  1. We usually think about the legal implications of everyday activities.
  2. Few of us would risk making transactions without first seeking legal advice.
  3. People all over the world are becoming more and more accustomed to using legal means to regulate their relations with each other.
  4. Even though the TV set fails to work and the owner of the shop didnt return your money or replace the TV set, we dont start thinking of taking legal advice.
  5. When you buy a train ticket a lawyer may tell you it represents a contract with legal obligations.
  6. You may not sue against the person who didnt pay his debt.
  7. You can testify at the doctors.
  8. A defendant can accuse a plaintiff.
  9. The court may listen to testimony of one side.
  10. All transactions in modern society are very complex.
  11. Nobody should have basic knowledge of law.

4. Прочитайте определения слов и догадайтесь, о каких словах из текста идет речь

1. _____ is the party that is accused in court of a crime or a civil offence.

. _____ is the party that starts or carries out civil proceedings. It is usually a private citizen or a company.

. _____ is a civil legal proceeding against someone.

. _____ is an official court decision on the case.

. _____ are an official body whose job is to make sure that people obey the law, to catch, and to protect people and property.

. _____ is someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal documents or represent people in court.

. ______ is a house or a room where all the information about the crime is given so that it can be judged.

. ______ is a sum of money that you owe somebody.

. _____ is a formal statement that something is true, such as the one a witness makes in court of law.

. ______ is money that has been lost by a business, a person or a government.

. ______ is legal means (documents) regulating relations between companies.

5. Подберите подходящий по смыслу ответ из предложенных вариантов и обоснуйте свой выбор двумя - тремя предложениями. Начните свой ответ одним из следующих выражений.:) I quite agree with the statement that ___ because …) Just what I think …. because …..

. Relations between people are regulated by ) government) prescriptive laws) peoples experience) customs and traditions

. If we always break the rules, other members of society may ) refuse to have anything to do with us) carry precise penalties) use a system of courts) consult the police

. When governments make laws for their citizens ) they use the power of the police to enforce them) they use justice) they observe public opinion) they try to implement common sense.

6. Бегло прочитайте текст (3 мин.) без словаря и найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским предложениям.

. Они используют судебную систему, опирающуюся на право полиции принудительно обеспечивать соблюдение закона.

. Отношения между людьми регулируются сочетанием всех этих правил (норм).

. … понесет наказание в виде штрафа или временного отстранения от участия в игре.

. Рефери может подать гражданский иск против игрока и потребовать материального возмещения за нанесенные ему телесные увечья …

.…. так как государство рассматривает антиобщественное поведение не как вопрос взаимоотношений между людьми, а как угрозу благосостоянию и порядку в обществе.

When governments make laws for their citizens, they use a system of courts backed by the power of the police to enforce these laws. Of course, there may be instances where the law is not enforced against someone-such as when young children commit crimes, when the police have to concentrate on certain crimes and therefore ignore others, or in countries where there is so much political corruption that certain people are able to escape justice by using their money or influence. But the general nature of the law is enforced equally against all members of the nation.made laws are nevertheless often patterned upon informal rules of conduct already existing in society, and relations between people are regulated by a combination of all these rules. This relationship can be demonstrated using the example of a sports club.a member of a rugby club is so angry with the referee during a club game that he hits him and breaks his nose. At the most informal level of social custom, it is probable that people seeing or hearing about the incident would criticize the player and try to persuade him to apologize and perhaps compensate the referee in some way. At a more formal level, the player would find he had broken the rules of his club, and perhaps of a wider institution governing the conduct of all people playing rugby, and would face punishment, such as a fine or a suspension before he would be allowed to play another game. Finally, the player might also face prosecution for attacking the referee under laws created by the government of his country. In many countries there might be two kinds of prosecution. First, the referee could conduct a civil action against the player, demanding compensation for his injury and getting his claim enforced by a court of law if the player failed to agree privately. Second, the police might also start an action against the player for a crime of violence. If found guilty, the player might be sent to prison, or he might be made to pay a fine to the court-that is, punishment for an offence against the state, since governments often consider anti-social behavior not simply as a matter between two individuals but as a danger to the well-being and order of society as a whole.

7. Расположите предложения в логической последовательности так, чтобы получился краткий пересказ текста

1. Government-made laws are often patterned upon informal rules of conduct already existing in society

. The player might face prosecution for attacking the referee under law.

. When governments make laws for their citizens, they use a system of courts.

. Governments consider anti-social behavior as a danger to the well-being and order of society.

. This relationship can be demonstrated using the example of a sports club.

8. Озаглавьте текст

. Работа в парах. Прочитайте начало диалога и придумайте его продолжение. Представьте получившийся диалог в аудитории

Pete Hi, Alice. How are you getting on?

Alice Fine, as usual, thanks, Pete. What about you?I'm O. K. It's nice to see you.Me too. I'm glad you are not in a hurry and we have time to talk today.Sure.Ive heard that youve entered the University, havent you?Thats right.My congratulations on you. But why did you make up your mind to become a lawyer?



В английском языке существует группа так называемой интернациональной лексики. К ней относится, например, слово legal. О значении слов этой группы нетрудно догадаться, так как в русском языке есть однокоренные аналоги. Однако в специализированной литературе интернациональные слова могут образовывать терминологические словосочетания (клишированные формы), отличные от их однокоренных аналогов.правовой ~ document - правовой документ ~ obligation - правовое обязательство ~ system - система правасудебный ~ action -судебный иск ~ costs - судебные издержки ~ decision -решение суда ~ procedure - судопроизводство ~ remedy - средство судебной защитыюридический ~ person - юридическое лицо ~ profession - профессия юриста ~ advisor - юрисконсульт ~ ethics - профессиональная этика юриста ~ department - юридический отдел ~ language - юридический язык, язык юристов ~ aid - бесплатная юридическая помощь малоимушимзаконный ~ government - законное правительство ~ foundation - законное основание ~ owner - законный владелец

. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские предложения, обращая особое внимание на словосочетания со словом legal.

1. To the rest of the world the English legal profession is very strange because historically there were two types of lawyers: barristers and solicitors.

. Every legal system has many shortcomings.

. Criminal charges and divorce are normally seen as matters needing legal help and advice.

. Not every accident victim has a legal remedy. Some accidents are nobodys fault.

. There is a large information gap in peoples awareness of their legal rights.

. Such legal knowledge as people had came largely from newspapers and television.

. The new Community Legal Service aims to provide legal information as well as legal advice and representation.

. Newspapers regularly carry frightening stories about losers in legal actions who face bills of tens of thousands of pounds.

. Legal costs of the lowest income group are paid by the state.

. Legal aid is usually granted as long as financial test is satisfied.

2. Прочитайте интернациональные слова, обращая внимание на их правильное произношение по-английски, и переведите их на русский язык: а) словом с тем же корнем; б) в значении, в котором они встречаются в тексте.

advocate, licensed, clients, jurisdiction, specialization, profession, qualification, training, examinations, office, type, business, contracts, audience, normally, options, career, private, civil, criminal, faculty, college, dissertation, prosecutor, arbitrator, professor, politician <#"justify">A lawyer is a person learned in the law. A lawyer, also known as an attorney, a counselor, a solicitor, a barrister or an advocate, is an individual licensed by the state to engage in the practice of law and advise clients on legal matters. Lawyers act as both advocates and advisors on behalf of their clients.

The role of the lawyer varies significantly across legal jurisdictions, and therefore can be treated in only the most general terms. Lawyers roles vary greatly, depending upon their practice environment <#"justify">4. Найдите в тексте английские слова и словосочетания, соответствующие следующим словосочетаниям

. консультировать клиентов по вопросам права

. выполнять все виды юридической работы

. солиситоры и барристеры

. сдавать квалификационные экзамены

. право преподается на юридическом факультете

. университетский колледж, готовящий бакалавров

. степень магистра

. добиваться получения степени бакалавра

. присвоить ученую степень доктора юриспруденции (США)

. защита диссертации

. научно- исследовательская работа

. учебная практика

. ученичество, место начального практического обучения

. штатный юрисконсульт компании

. страны общего права (англо-саксонской системы права)

. страны романо-германской (континентальной) системы права

. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы

  1. What is a lawyer?
  2. What is so special in legal profession in England?
  3. What is the difference between solicitors and barristers?
  4. What have you learned about educational requirements to those who want to become a lawyer?
  5. What degrees can you obtain at the university?
  6. What degree is awarded in the USA?
  7. What have you learned about methods and quality of legal education in different countries?
  8. What kind of options do lawyers have in common law countries?
  9. Why is career mobility constrained in civil law countries?

6. Соотнесите слова из двух колонок так, чтобы получились устойчивые словосочетания из текста, переведите их на русский язык и составьте с ними свои предложения.

  1. to take a. the clients
  2. to deal with b. the practice of law
  3. to draw up c. the right of audience
  4. to make d. court
  5. to have e. the practice environment
  6. to go to f. legal matters
  7. to engage in g. legal arrangements
  8. to advise on h. contracts
  9. to depend on i. legal advice
  10. on behalf of j. a range of legal work

7. Прочитайте дефиниции и соотнесите их со словами из рамки


1. Law <#"justify">A number of law schools have (учебную практику) in which students gain legal experience through practice (судебные процессы) and projects (под руководством) of practicing (юристы) and law school faculty. Law school (учебная практика) may include work in (юридических консультациях), for example on the staff of legislative committees.school graduates receive the (степень доктора юриспруденции) as the first professional (ученая степень). Advanced law (ученые степени) may be desirable for those planning to specialize, (заниматься научно-исследовательской работой), or teach. Some law students (добиваются получения) joint degree programs, which usually require an additional semester or year of study. Joint degree programs are offered in a number of areas, including (право) and business administration or public administration.

10. Прочитайте текст и кратко расскажите на английском языке, что нового вы узнали о юридическом образовании и профессии юриста в Англии

В Англии есть два типа юристов - солиситоры и барристеры. Барристер - это юрист, который ведет судебные дела, выступает в суде, готовит документы для суда и т.д. Солиситоры после 1990 года тоже получили право выступать в суде, если у них есть специальный сертификат.

В Англии (не в Британии) в 2008 году было 112,2 тысяч солиситоров и около 16,5 тысяч барристеров. С 1997 по 2008 год количество юристов в Англии увеличилось более чем на 50%.

Для того, чтобы стать солиситором нужно иметь юридическое образование. Это либо бакалавр права в Англии (3 года) (LLB), либо бакалавр в какой-либо другой области плюс годичный интенсивный курс профильного образования (называется GDL - Graduate Diploma in Law).

Кроме юридического образования надо получить контракт на прохождение практики в юридической фирме (training contract). В течение двух лет надо проработать в 4 разных департаментах по 6 месяцев в каждом. Получить образование в Англии относительно легко. Что действительно сложно, так это получение контракта на прохождение практики - в хорошие фирмы конкуренция составляет около 20-40 человек на место.

11. Ответьте на вопросы теста


1.Do you love to argue?


oNot really.

2.Can you manipulate things for your benefit?

oYes, why not?

oNot sure.

3.Is your mind sharp like a knife?

oYes, it can cut even iron!

oIt is more like a butter knife.

4.How good are your lying abilities?

oWell honed.

oNot worth mentioning.

5.How good are you at convincing people?

oVery good.

oBarely ok.

6.Can you twist the truth in your favour?


oNot sure.

7.What genres of movies/novels do you like most?

oDetective and crime thrillers.

oRomantic and comic stories.


. a) 10; b) 0 2. a) 10; b) 0 3) a) 10; b) 0 4. a) 10; b) 0 5. a) 10; b) 0 6. a) 10; b) 0 7. a) 10; b) 0: 1. 0 -30. You can't become a lawyer.don't have the qualities of becoming a lawyer. Forget it!

. 40- 70. You can become a lawyer. Why not try to be one?



Повторение грамматики: степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

1. Прочитайте прилагательные:

а) в положительной степени

б) в сравнительной степени

в) в превосходной степени.

Сформулируйте основное правило образования степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий в английском языке.

many, more, the most, wise, wiser, the wisest, competitive, more competitive, the most competitive, clear, clearer, the clearest, concise, more concise, the most concise, bad, worse, the worst, simple, simpler, the simplest, complex, more complex, the most complex, little, less, the lest (least), persuasive, more persuasive, the most persuasive, good, better, the best, efficient, more efficient, the most efficient, far, farther (further), the farthest (furthest), effective, more effective, the most effective.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, содержащие сравнительные обороты.

1. This method is as effective as the previous one. 2. The period is twice as long as a semester. 3. Inform us as soon as possible. 4. His job is not so efficient as his colleagues one. 5. The more you work, the better you study. 6. The document is as concise as possible. 7. Her resume is not so clear as required. 8. His career promotion is twice as quick as that of the friend. 9. The better you communicate with people, the more clients you will have.

3. Сравните ученые степени, которые присваиваются выпускникам высших учебных заведений. Используйте как можно больше сравнительных оборотов

University Degreeshigh / lowpopularhonorableBachelors Degree, (LLB)Masters Degree (LLM)Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD)Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем.


While legal positions vary greatly in scope and responsibility, there are several core legal skills that are required in most legal functions. If you are considering a career in the law, it is wise to polish these top ten legal skills to excel in todays competitive legal market.

. Oral Communicationis one of the most fundamental tools of the legal professional. Legal professionals must:

·Convey information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.

·Communicate persuasively.

·Advocate a position or a cause.

·Master legal terminology.

·Develop keen listening skills.

2. Written Communication. From writing simple correspondence to drafting complex legal documents, writing is an integral function of nearly every legal position. Legal professionals must:

·Master the stylistic and mechanical aspects of writing.

·Master the fundamentals of grammar.

·Learn how to write organized, concise and persuasive prose.

·Draft effective legal documents such as motions, briefs, memos, resolutions and

·legal agreements.

3. Client Service. In the client-focused legal industry, serving the client honestly, capably and responsibly is crucial to success.

. Analytical and Logical Reasoning. Legal professionals must learn to review and assimilate large volumes of complex information in an efficient and effective manner. Legal analytical and logical reasoning skills include: reviewing complex written documents, drawing inferences and making connections among legal authorities; developing logical thinking, organization and problem-solving abilities; structuring and evaluating arguments; using inductive and deductive reasoning to draw inferences and reach conclusions.

. Legal Research. Researching legal concepts, case law, judicial opinions, statutes, regulations and other information is an important legal skill.

. Technology. Technology is changing the legal landscape and is an integral part of every legal function. To remain effective in their jobs, legal professionals must master communications technology including e-mails, voice messaging systems, videoconferencing and related technology.

. Knowledge of Substantive Law and Legal Procedure. All legal professionals, even those at the bottom of the legal career chain, must have basic knowledge of substantive law and legal procedure.

. Time Management. In a profession based on a business model (billable hours) that ties productivity to financial gain, legal professionals are under constant pressure to bill time and manage large workloads.

. Organization. In order to manage large volumes of data and documents, legal professionals must develop top-notch organizational skills.

. Teamwork. Legal professionals do not work in a vacuum. Even solo practitioners must rely on secretaries and support staff and team up with co-counsels, experts to deliver legal services.

5. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словам и словосочетаниям

. профессиональные компетенции юриста

. представлять информацию в ясной и краткой форме

. овладеть юридической терминологией

. развивать способность внимательно слушать собеседника

. составлять сложные юридические документы

. овладеть основами грамматики

. составлять ходатайства, записки по делу

. обслуживать клиента честно и ответственно

. просматривать и усваивать большой объем информации

. навыки логического рассуждения

. делать выводы и умозаключения

. осваивать технологии общения (коммуникации)

. на нижней ступеньке карьерной лестницы

. знания материального права и судопроизводства

. выдерживать большие рабочие нагрузки

. почасовая оплата

. развивать навыки самоорганизации высокого класса

. работа в команде

6. Прочитайте дефиниции и соотнесите их со словами из рамки.

1. An ability to do something well, especially because you have learned and practiced it.___________

. To write a plan, letter, report, bill, etc. that will need to be changed before it is in its finished form.______________

. A piece of paper that gives official written information about something._____________

. Someone who pays for services or advice from the person or organization. ______________

. Serious study of a subject that is intended to discover new facts or test new ideas. ____________

. Having the highest quality or standard. ______________

. The process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts or feelings.___________


. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова и словосочетания из текста

. Мы осваиваем юридическую терминологию с первого дня поступления в университет.

. К концу первого курса он научится представлять информацию в четкой и краткой форме.

. На вчерашнем семинаре по истории государства и права России студенты активно отстаивали свои позиции.

. Только к концу прошлого семинара он понял, как составлять ходатайство.

. Тише, идет лекция! Преподаватель рассказывает об использовании индуктивно-дедуктивных методов в работе юриста.

. Он занимался исследовательской работой в области теории государства и права еще в школе.

. Овладение современными технологиями общения, такими, как видеоконференции, является неотъемлемой частью работы юриста.

. Выскажите мнение по поводу следующих утверждений. Начните ответ с одного из следующих выражений:

а) выражения полного согласия: It goes without saying, Exactly so;

б) выражения абсолютного несогласия: Nothing of the kind, Surely not;

в) выражения неуверенности и неясности позиции: Im not quite sure about it, Thats hard to tell….

. Legal research is the only reliable tool of the legal profession.

. In the first year students must read and brief hundreds of cases.

. Experts say that the brain is a complex information processor capable of processing and assimilating complex information at greater speeds through practice.

. We must know how to analyze and gather information, identify issues, organize our data base, draft inferences and reach conclusions.

. You can brush up your writing skills by reading resources on the craft of writing.

. It is easy to learn legal English.

. It is possible for me to learn and memorize for ever a large amount of information for a few days.

. We must pace ourselves and learn the substantive law and legal procedure.

9. Выступите в качестве переводчика


Guest Henry Dahut, Esq. <#"justify">Correspondent: Генри, почему Вы выбрали профессию юриста?

Mr. Dahut: When asked why I became a lawyer I usually say because it seemed like a smart thing to do. Unlike some of my law school classmates, I had no illusions of becoming either a great advocate or a legal scholar. All I wanted was a nice income and a respectable station in life. For me, law was a safe career choice, not a passion. My only concern was that as a creative, emotive, right-brain type, I would not be able to make my mind do whatever it is that lawyer minds do to think like lawyers. But an old lawyer, I met, told me that the real danger was that once you start thinking like a lawyer it becomes difficult to think any other way..: Когда Вы сами поняли, что необходимо научиться мыслить как юрист?

Mr. Dahut: That process began on the first day of law school when the dean told our petrified first-year class that before we could become lawyers we had to learn how to think like lawyers. One student had the nerve to ask the dean how we would know when he had learned to think like lawyers. The dean shot back, when you get paid to think! I soon saw how thinking like lawyers actually meant altering our reasoning structures. For example, memory, while important to success in law school, stood a distant second to learning how to reason like a lawyer..: Что значит - мыслить как юрист?

Mr. Dahut: Thinking like a lawyer demands thinking within the confines of inductive and deductive forms of reasoning. As law students, we entered a world of rigorous dialogue in which abstractions are formulated and then described-usually leading to the discovery of a general principle or rule, which is then distinguished from another general rule. We learned how to narrow and intensify our focus. The process taught us how to think defensively: We learned how to protect our clients (and ourselves) and why we needed to proceed slowly, find the traps, measure and calculate the risk. And above all, never, ever let them see you sweat!.: Какие качества Вы стремились развить в себе во время учебы?

Mr. Dahut: The goal, of course, was for me to become a rational, logical, categorical, linear thinker - trained to separate what is reasonable from what is not and what is true from what is false. Having learned to think in a new way, I had less tolerance for ambiguity. A new mental structure was forming-a new set of lenses through which to view the structure of human affairs..: Как изменилась Ваша личность во время обучения в юридическом колледже?

Mr. Dahut: It turns out I had just enough left-brain skills to get me through law school and the bar. The mental gymnastics is necessary for forming the plasticity of the human mind. Unconsciously, I began to relate to and observe others within the context of my new way of thinking. The old lawyer I once met was right: Learning to think like lawyers made us less capable of the kind of emotive thinking necessary to make creative choices, manage and inspire people, and respond quickly to change.

10. Работа в парах. Прочитайте резюме, обсудите с партнером возможности соискателя получить работу юриста. Аргументируя свою точку зрения, опирайтесь на информацию из резюме, касающуюся его образования, опыта работы и наличия необходимых профессиональных компетенций юриста, перечисленных в Тексте 5.

Model:: In my opinion John Applicant has a good chance to take the position of the lawyer because he can convey information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.: Why do think so?: I think so because in his resume he writes that he got Oral Advocacy Award in Spring 2008 and four times was the State Policy Debate Champion in 1998-2002.

John Applicant

Main St. New York, New York 12345John.Applicant@email.comof State, College of Law, Springfield, CAfor Juris Doctor, May 2010Advocacy Award, Spring 2008University, College of Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, CAof Arts, American Government (Honors), May 2006Debate Team (2002-2004)EXPERIENCEJudge Johnson, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fall 2008. Externship was comprised of researching and writing memos, draft opinions and draft orders.& Smith, P.A., Summer Associate, Phoenix, AZ, Summer 2008Researched and wrote memoranda and motions for commercial (trade secrets), criminal defense (racketeering) and pro bono (Constitutional standards for conditions of confinement) matters.INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES(proficient); traveled extensively throughout Latin America

-time 4A State Policy Debate State Champion (1998-2002); 2-time National Tournament Qualifier (2000, 2001)


. Работа в парах. Прочитайте и обсудите с партнером последовательность действий, которые необходимо совершить в поисках работы. Внимательно познакомившись с рекомендациями,

а) поговорите по телефону с работодателем;

б) проведите беседу с работодателем в офисе

Write a resume <#"justify">Visit the employer to fill out your application form. It's usually best to go in the mid-morning, when they're not too busy, but before the day has worn them out. Ask to speak to the hiring manager and try to hand the form to him personally: "Hi, we spoke on the phone yesterday about the (job title) position. Here's my application. Let me know if you need anything else!" This will give the employer a chance to see you (so present yourself well) and put a face to a name.

Send your cover letter and resume as instructed.

Follow up

  • If you filled out an application but the hiring manager wasn't there at the time, call three days later, ask to speak to the manager, and confirm that the application was received: "Hello, this is (your name). I filled out an application on (day you came in) and I just wanted to confirm that it was received."
  • If you sent a cover letter and resume by mail, call a week later to confirm their receipt. If you sent them by e-mail, call the day after.


·Always thank the employer for their time and consideration.

·Thank the manager.

·Follow up with a phone call.

·Always be honest when filling out a job application online.

2. Заполните типовую анкету для тех, кто ищет работу в США. Обратите особое внимание на то, что в анкетах на английском языке информация о соискателе дается в иной последовательности, нежели в анкетах, которые заполняются в России.


Many employers require all applicants, regardless of the job they apply for, to complete a job application form. This way the employer will have consistent data on file for all prospective applicants.: Print clearly in black or blue ink. Answer all questions. Sign and date the form.INFORMATION:Name _____________________________Name ___________________________Name _____________________________Address

_______________________________________________________, State, Zip Code


(___)___________________________________you eligible to work in the United States?_______ No_______you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificate?___ No ___you been convicted of or pleaded no contest to a felony within the last five years?_______ No_______yes, please explain: _________________________________________

__________________________________________________________/AVAILABILITY:Applied For

________________________________________:and Address Of School - Degree/Diploma - Graduation Date


_____________________________________________________________and Qualifications: Licenses, Skills, Training, Awards


_____________________________________________________________HISTORY:Or Last Position:: ___________________________________________________

Address:______________________________________________________: ____________________________________________________: _______________________________: ________________________________Title: _________________________: ______________ To: ______________: _______________________________________________

Salary: _______________for Leaving: ____________________________________________We Contact Your Present Employer?_____ No _____:/Title Address Phone


_____________________________________________________________certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future if I am hired. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed above.______________________________


3. Самостоятельная работа. Заполнив анкету, продумайте ответы на вопросы, которые обычно задают соискателю на собеседовании

POTENTIAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, not every item is a question; some are statements; but all are intended to prompt you for a response.questions are not those that can be answered with a "yes" or "no," but are open-ended questions that invite thoughtful response. Even if you are asked a question that can be answered with a "yes" or "no," (e.g. "Are you comfortable with the amount of travel this job involves?"), you can certainly add a word of explanation to back up your answer (e.g., "Yes. I actually look forward to the opportunity to travel and to work with the staff members in some of the other offices).

Best questions are those that ask you how you behaved in the past, because past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

Not every interviewer will ask you every one of these questions. However, if you are prepared to address these questions, you will leave the impression that you were prepared for your job interview, even if additional questions take you by surprise.

What are your long-range goals and objectives for the next seven to ten years?

What are your short-range goals and objectives for the next one to three years?

How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?

Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?

What are your strengths, weaknesses, and interests?

How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?

Describe a situation in which you had to work with a difficult person (another student, co-, customer, supervisor, etc.). How did you handle the situation?

How do you determine or evaluate success?

In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?

Describe a contribution you have made to a project on which you worked.

What qualities should a successful lawyer possess?

Was there an occasion when you disagreed with a supervisor's decision or company policy?

Describe how you handled the situation.

What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction? Why?

Describe your most rewarding college experience.

Why did you select your college or university?

What led you to choose your major or field of study?

What college subjects did you like best? Why?

What college subjects did you like least? Why?

If you could do so, how would you plan your academic studies differently?

Do you think your grades are a good indication of your academic achievement?

What have you learned from participation in extracurricular activities?

In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?

How do you work under pressure?

Describe a situation in which you worked as part of a team. What role did you take on? What went well and what didn't?

In what part-time or summer jobs have you been most interested? Why?

How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation?

Why did you decide to seek a position with our organization?

What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?

What criteria are you using to evaluate the organization for which you hope to work?

Are you comfortable with the amount of travel this job requires?

Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee?the interview is looking for:says: Tell me about yourself., this is a job interview, not a psychological or personal interview. The interviewer is interested in the information about you that relates to your qualifications for employment, such as education, work experiences and extracurricular activities.says: What do you expect to be doing five years from now? Ten years from now?interviewer is looking for evidence of career goals and ambitions rather than minutely specific descriptions. The interviewer wants to see your thought process and the criteria that are important to you. The interviewer is not looking for information about your personal life.says: Why should I hire you?what you have to offer the employer as relates to the position for which you are interviewing, not how nice it would be to work there or what you want from the employer. Remember that you are being compared to other candidates, and in fact more than one candidate might be a very good employee. Deliver to the employer reasons to see that you are a good fit (show you know yourself, know the field/industry, know the organization, and know the position).says: What are your ideas about salary?

Research salaries <#"justify">4. РОЛЕВАЯ ИГРА

Группа делится на подгруппы, состоящие из четырех человек. Один студент из подгруппы будет исполнять роль «Работодателя», трое других - «Соискателей на должность юрисконсульта компании». Работодатель должен выбрать самого достойного на эту должность, для этого он должен заранее продумать, какие вопросы он задаст каждому из соискателей, как будет оценивать их, в соответствии с рекомендациями, данными выше. Соискатели тоже должны хорошо подготовиться к собеседованию, придти с написанными заранее заявлениями (анкетами), просмотреть вопросы, которые обычно задают на собеседовании, и подготовить свои ответы на них (Potential Interview Questions). Работодатель начинает:

(Opening) Good morning Mr (Ms) (X, Y, Z). I have got your application form and I would like to ask you a few questions about yourself.

(Closing) Thank you very much, Mr (Ms) (X, Y, Z). Ill make my decision and contact you in the near future. Goodbye.

После того, как соискатели пройдут собеседование, Работодатель должен оценить каждого из претендентов по предложенной ниже шкале оценок, написать краткую характеристику каждого из соискателей и огласить свое решение о том, кто из них и почему будет принят на работу.

MR (MS) XGRADESQUALIFICATIONS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10LEGAL SKILLS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10APPROPRIATED EXPERIENCE1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10PERSONALITY1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10OVERALL GRADE1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note: 1 = not at all suitable; 10 = very suitable

. award - 1. (присужденная) награда или наказание 2. решение суда 3. присуждать что-либо, награждать чем-либо

to give (the highest) award - присуждать (высшую) наградуaward a degree - присуждать степень award a judgment -вынести судебное решение

. college - 1. университетский колледж 2. специальное высшее учебное заведение

universitys undergraduate college - университетский колледж, готовящий бакалавров

. conduct - 1. поведение 2. вести, руководить, проводить

rules of conduct - правила поведения

to conduct an examination - проводить экзаменconduct cases in court - вести дела в суде

. degree - ученая степеньs degree - степень бакалавраs degree - степень магистра

law degree - степень в области юриспруденции

to earn a degree - заработать степень pursue a degree - стремиться получить ученую степень

. draft - составлять план, проект, черновой набросок

to draft documents - составлять документы

to draft a motion - составлять ходатайство

to draft an agreement - составлять соглашение (договор)

. fair - 1. честный, справедливый 2. честно

by fair means - честным путем

strict but fair - строгий, но справедливый

to play fair - играть честно, по правилам, действовать открыто

. graduate - выпускник, окончивший высшее учебное заведение

to graduate from - а) окончить высшее учебное заведение и получить степень бакалавра

б) (Амер.) любое учебное заведение

. law - закон, право

natural law -естественное право

prescriptive laws -предписывающие законы, основанные на праве давности или обычая

substantive law- материальное право

to amend the law - вносить поправки в закон

to apply laws - применять законыbe against the law - быть противозаконным break laws - нарушать законы

to enforce laws - обеспечить (принудительно) исполнение закона

to lay down the law- a) устанавливать правовые нормы, формулировать закон;

б) говорить безапелляционным тоном, не допускать возражений

to make laws - издавать, принимать законы

to obey laws - соблюдать законы

to repeal laws - отменять законы

to study law - изучать право

law and order - правопорядок

. master - 1. магистр, 2. овладевать (знаниями, языком и т.д.)

to take ones Masters degree of Law - получить степень магистра праваmaster legal terminology - овладеть юридической терминологиейmaster communications technology - освоить современные технологии общенияmaster writing skills - овладеть навыками письма

. property - собственность, имущество (public) property - частная (общественная, государственная) собственность

property right - имущественное право

real property - недвижимое имущество

to own a property - владеть собственностью

. right - 1. правота, справедливость 2. право, привилегия

to defend right - защищать справедливость

civil rights - гражданские права

individuals right - право человека

to respect owners right - уважать право собственника

right of audience - право выступать в суде

. rule - 1. правило/ устанавливать правило 2. норма 3. предписание, приказ

rule of law - норма праваof behavior - правила поведенияof court - судебное предписаниеof practice - процессуальные нормыrule the law - устанавливать нормы права

13. skill - 1. мастерство, искусство 2. компетенция 3. ловкость, умение

skills in logical reasoning - навыки логического рассуждения

to develop top-notch organizational skills - развивать навыки высокой самоорганизации

legal skills - профессиональные компетенции юриста

. society - 1. общество, общественный строй 2. ассоциация, организация

criminal society - преступное сообщество

democratic society - демократическое общество

primitive society -первобытное обществоof nations - семья народов-ordered society - высокоорганизованное сообщество

. training - обучение, подготовка

clinical training - учебная практика

legal training - профессиональная подготовка (обучение) юристов

on-the-job training - обучение по месту работы

trainee - практикант

модуль иностранный бакалавр юриспруденция


1. Legislation in Russia

. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.Why do you think we have laws in our city, state, and country?

.What would our country be like if there were no laws or rules to follow?

3.What do you know about legislation? What is the aim of this procedure?

.What bodies in your country are responsible for making laws?

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем:

TEXT 1. LEGISLATION IN RUSSIAthe doctrine of the separation of powers legislation is regarded as one of the three main functions of government. Those who have the formal power to create legislation are known as legislators.Legislation can have many purposes: to regulate, to authorize, to proscribe, to provide (funds), to sanction, to grant, to declare or to restrict.Federal Assembly of Russia is the law-making body of the Russian Federation, according to the Constitution of Russian Federation, 1993. It consists of the State Duma, which is the lower house, and the Federation Council, which is the upper house. Both houses are located in Moscow.State Duma has special powers enumerated by the Constitution of Russia. They are:

·consent to the appointment of the Prime Minister of Russia;

·hearing annual reports from the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of its work, including on issues raised by the State Duma;

·deciding the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation;

·appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia;

·appointment and dismissal of the Chairman and half of the auditors of the Accounts Chamber;

·appointment and dismissal of the Commissioner for Human Rights, who shall act according to federal constitutional law;

·announcement of amnesty;

·bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his impeachment (requires a two thirds majority);

The State Duma adopts decrees on issues referred to its authority by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Decrees of the State Duma are adopted by a majority of the total number of deputies of the State Duma.

The Council is charged in cooperating with the State Duma in completing and voting on draft laws. Special powers of the Federation Council are:

·Approval of changes in borders between subjects of the Russian Federation;

·Approval of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law;

·Approval of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a state of emergency;

·Deciding on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

·Declaring of elections of the President of the Russian Federation;

·Impeachment of the President of the Russian Federation;

·approving the President's nomination of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

·approving the President's nomination of the Attorney General of the Russian Federation;

·Appointment of Deputy Chairman and half of the auditors of the Accounting Chamber.

To pass the law more than half of senators of the Federation Council must vote for it. When considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the Councils votes are required for passage.bills must first be considered by the State Duma. Upon adoption by a majority of the full State Duma membership, a draft law is considered by the Federation Council, which has fourteen days to place the bill on its calendar. The Federation Council cannot make amendments in bills passed by the Duma and can either approve or reject them. If the Federation Council rejects a bill passed by the State Duma, the two chambers may form a conciliation commission to work out a compromise version of the legislation. If two chambers cannot reach a compromise, or the Duma insists on passing the bill as is, the veto of the Federation Council can be overridden, if two thirds of the Duma's constitutional composition vote in favor of the bill. The State Duma and the Federation Council usually meet separately. Joint sessions are organized when the President of Russia delivers his annual address to the Federal Assembly and in some other very rare occasions.

3. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания из текста

1.to create legislation

2.a law-making body

.to have special powers

.a dismissal of the Chairman

.to bring a charge against the President

.to adopt decrees on issues

.to vote on draft laws

.introduction of the law

.approval of changes

.to require

.to reject a bill

.to consider

.to make amendments in bills

.a chamber

.to override the veto

.conciliation commission

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словам и словосочетаниям

1.законодательная деятельность

2.законодательный орган

.нижняя палата

.верхняя палата


.постановление, указ

.принимать закон




.прийти к компромиссу


.назначение (на должность)

.вносить поправки

.разделение властей

5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1.What is the main legislative body in Russia? What does it consist of?

2.What powers of the State Duma are enumerated in the Constitution?

.What are the special powers of the Federal Council?

.How do the State Duma and the Federal Council meet?

.Which chamber of the Federal Assembly is more powerful? Why?

6. Используя текст, заполните схему, отражающую процесс принятия закона в России

Draft laws may originate in either legislative chamber, or they may be introduced by the president, the Government, local legislatures and the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, or the Superior Court of Arbitration within their respective competences.

7. Используя текст 1 и схему упражнения 4, расскажите о законодательной власти в Российской Федерации

. Заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями в рамке.

1.bring charges against 2. elects 3. draft laws 4. the lower house5. vetoed 6. issues 7. approve or reject 8. to override a presidential veto 9. the upper house 10. appoint or dismiss 11. appointment

1.The 628-member law-making body, termed the Federal Assembly, consists of two chambers, the 450-member State Duma (_____) and the 178-member Federation Council (____).

2.The State Duma confirms the _______ of the prime minister, although it does not have the power to confirm Government ministers.

.The two chambers of the legislature also have the power ______ of legislation.

.Upon the advice of the prime minister, the president can _______ Government members, including the deputy prime ministers.

.Under the 1993 constitution, if the president commits "grave crimes" or treason, the State Duma may _______ him with the parliament's upper house, the Federation Council.

.Several bills that the President had ________ were taken up again by the new legislature.

.The Federation Council deals primarily with such _______ as internal borders and decrees of the president establishing martial law or states of emergency etc.

.All ________, even those proposed by the Federation Council, must first be considered by the State Duma.

.According to the 1993 constitution, the State Duma must decide within one week to __________ a candidate once the president has placed that person's name in nomination.

.Each legislative chamber ______ a chairman to control the internal procedures of the chamber.

11.Замените русские слова и выражения в скобках соответствующими английскими эквивалентами

1.The State Duma (принимает постановления) on (вопросам) referred to its authority by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Decrees of the State Duma are adopted by a majority of the total number of deputies of the State Duma, unless another procedure is envisaged by the Constitution. All (законопроекты) are first (одобряются) by the State Duma and are further debated and approved (or (отклоняются)) by the Federation Council.

2.The (Государственная Дума) in the Russian Federation is the lower house of the (Федерального Собрания) of Russia (legislature), the upper house being the (Совет Федераций) of Russia.

3.The president (назначает) the prime minister, and the Duma (голосует) whether to confirm the appointment. The president has wide legislative powers, including the (право вето) and decree. Decrees carry the force of law, but may not violate existing law. The Federal Assembly may (преодолеть президентское вето) by a two-thirds vote of each chamber.

4.(Законодательная деятельность) originates in the Duma and, if passed, is sent to the Federation Council. If the Federation Council approves the legislation or fails to examine it within fourteen days, the legislation is sent to the president to be signed.

5.When considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the Council have to (проголосовать). If the Council vetoes a law passed by the State Duma, the two chambers are mandated to form a (согласительную комиссию) in order to (прийти к компромиссу) and make up a document, which would again go under vote by both houses.

6.The two houses of the Federal Assembly (заседают раздельно), with the State Duma residing in another part of Moscow. Sessions of the Federation Council are held in Moscow from January 25 to July 15 and from September 16 to December 31.

7.The State Duma has special powers enumerated by the Constitution of Russia. Among them there is the power to (выносить обвинение) against the President of the Russian Federation for his impeachment.


Повторение грамматики: система времен английских глаголов в пассивном залоге

10.Замените глагольные формы в активном залоге в предложениях на пассивные, как указано в примерах и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

Examples:1 At first, The State Duma considers all bills.first, all bills are considered by the State Duma (usually, always).2 At first, The State Duma considered all bills.first, all bills were considered by the State Duma.(yesterday, two days ago, the day before yesterday).3 At first, The State Duma will consider all billsfirst, all bills will be considered by the State Duma (tomorrow, in a week, in amonth).

.A majority of the total number of deputies of the State Duma adopts decrees of the State Duma.

2.The Constitution of Russia enumerates special powers of the State Duma.

.The Federation Council considered a draft law yesterday.

.The State Duma overrode the veto of the Federation Council two weeks ago.

.The President will sign the bill tomorrow.

.If necessary, the two chambers form a conciliation commission to work out a compromise version of the legislation.

.The State Duma will pass the bill in a few months.

.The Federation Council rejected the bill the day before.

.The State Duma and the Federation Council will vote for the draft law the day after tomorrow.

.The State Duma brings charges against the President.

11. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова и словосочетания из текста.

1.Высший орган законодательной власти в России - Федеральное Собрание - состоит из двух палат: верхней и нижней.

2.Верхняя палата именуется Советом Федерации, нижняя - Государственной Думой.

.Совет Федерации и Государственная Дума проводят заседания раздельно, каждая палата имеет свои полномочия.

.В России действует принцип разделения властей.

.Первоначально закон принимается простым большинством в Государственной Думе, затем рассматривается Советом Федерации.

.В том случае, если между палатами возникают разногласия, палаты формируют согласительную комиссию.

.Для преодоления вето в каждой из палат закон должен быть одобрен не менее чем 2/3 голосов.

.Законодательная деятельность в Российской Федерации урегулирована Конституцией Российской Федерации.

.В течение 14 дней Президент может отклонить закон, то есть наложить на него вето, и вернуть обратно в Государственную Думу.

10.Законопроект обсуждается на заседаниях Государственной Думы, в текст законопроектов вносятся поправки, изменения, дополнения.

12. Самостоятельная работа. Изучите раздел Конституции, посвященный законодательной ветви власти в России, и найдите ответы на вопросы

1.Who are the members of the Council of Federation?

2.Who does the State Duma consist of?

.What term shall the State Duma be elected for?

.Who can be elected a deputy of the State Duma?

.What does it mean for deputies to enjoy immunity?

.Who shall the Council of Federation and the Sate Duma elect from among its members?

.What are the duties of the Chairman and his (her) deputies?

.What are the responsibilities of committees and commissions? (consult other sources)

.What shall the State Duma and the Federal Council do if the President rejects the federal law?

.In what cases may the State Duma be dissolved by the President?


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the legislative body in the USA? What does it consist of?

. What are the steps in the legislative process?

. What are the sources of bills? Who can introduce the legislation?2. LAW-MAKING PROCEDURE IN THE USACongress of the United States is the highest lawmaking body in the United States and one of the oldest national legislatures in the world. The U.S. Congress consists of two houses-the Senate and the House of Representatives. A member of the Senate is referred to as a senator, and a member of the House of Representatives is called a representative or congressman or congresswoman.general process for making a bill into a law is described in the Constitution.first step in the legislative process is the introduction of a bill to the Congress. Bills originate from several different sources: from individual members of the Congress, from a member of a constituent or a group of constituents, from one or more state legislatures, or the President or his administration, but only members of the Congress can introduce legislation.being introduced, a bill is referred to the appropriate committee for review. There are 17 Senate committees, with 70 subcommittees, and 23 House committees, with 104 subcommittees. A bill is first considered in a subcommittee, where it may be accepted, amended, or rejected. If the members of the subcommittee agree to move a bill forward, it is reported to the full committee, where the process is repeated again. If the full committee votes to approve the bill, it is reported to the House or the Senate.the bill comes up for consideration, the House has a very structured debate process. Each member who wishes to speak only has a few minutes, and the number and kind of amendments are usually limited. In the Senate, debate on most bills is unlimited - Senators may speak to issues other than the bill under consideration during their speeches, and any amendment can be introduced. A bill must pass both houses of the Congress before it goes to the President for consideration. Once debate has ended and any amendments to the bill have been approved, the full membership will vote for or against the bill.bill is then sent to the President. When receiving a bill from the Congress, the President has several options. If the President agrees with the bill, he or she may sign it into law. If the President disagrees with the bill, he may veto it and send it back to the Congress. The Congress may override the veto with a two-thirds vote of each chamber, at which point the bill becomes law and is printed.

2. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель.

Model: a) I fully agree with the statement.) I am afraid, I cant agree with it.

.The Senate is the main legislative body of the USA.

2.The Constitution of the USA sets forth the general process for making a bill into law.

.The first step in the legislative process is voting.

.In the House of Representatives, debate on most bills is unlimited.

.All bill must pass both houses of the Congress before it goes to the President.

.When receiving a bill from the Congress, the President has to sign it.

.The Congress has no right to override the presidential veto.

3. Изучите схему принятия закона в США. Сравните с информацией из текста 2. Найдите и опишите этапы законодательного процесса, которые не раскрыты в тексте 2

public hearing - открытые слушания (meeting or session of a Senate, House, Joint, or Special Committee of Congress, usually open to the public, to obtain information and opinions on proposed legislation)

conference committee - комитет по согласованию расхождений, согласительный комитет

floor action - пленарная акция (once a bill reaches the floor, it can be debated and amended before coming to a vote)

highway act - основной (итоговый) проект закона

5.Посмотрите на картинки. Изучите законы, которые действуют в разных штатах США. LOONY* LAWS

Ответьте на вопросы

1. Can you figure out why each law has been passed?

. What conditions in society might have led to its passing?

. Are there laws today that may be considered loony in the future?

6. Напишите «безумный» закон или правило, которому необходимо следовать дома или в университете. Объясните, почему вы считаете его таковым. Спросите других студентов, что они думают о нем.


*loony: сумасшедший, безумный, бредовый


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the legislative body in the UK? What does it consist of?

. What are the steps in the legislative process?

. What are the sources of bills? Who can introduce the legislation?3. THE UNITED KINGDOM LEGISLATIONGreat Britain laws are made in Parliament at Westminster. The British Parliament consists of the monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. Their work is similar: making laws (legislation), checking the work of the government (scrutiny), and debating current issues. The House of Lords is composed of life peers and hereditary peers. The House of Common is composed of Members of Parliament (Mps).idea for a new law can come from a variety of sources: bills may be introduced by any member of either House (a "Private Member's Bill"), a Minister of the Crown (a "Government Bill"), by the general public ("Public Bills"), by an individual or small group of individuals (a "Private Bill").reading is the first stage of a Bills passage through the House of Commons - usually a formality, it takes place without debate. The short title of the Bill is read out and then the Bill is printed. The Bill is published as a House of Commons paper for the first time.next stage is second reading, the first opportunity for MPs to debate the general principles and themes of the Bill.second reading is completed the Bill proceeds to committee stage. Committee stage is where detailed examination of the Bill takes placel, clause by clause, determining the intent and impact of the bills language. This is therefore often considered the most important step in the parliamentary process for researchers aiming to determine legislative intent. It is at this stage that amendments are made. If the Bill has been amended the Bill is reprinted before its next stage.committee stage is finished, the Bill returns to the floor of the House of Commons for its report stage, where the amended Bill can be debated and further amendments proposed. All MPs can suggest amendments to the Bill or new clauses (parts) they think should be added.stage is normally followed immediately by debate on the Bill's third reading. Committee stage is where detailed examination of the Bill takes place, clause by clause, determining the intent and impact of the bills language. Amendments (proposals for change) cannot be made to a Bill at third reading in the Commons.process in the House of Lords is very similar to the process in the House of Commons. The bill will have a pro forma first reading, then a second reading. After the second reading the bill will normally be referred to a Committee of the Whole House. The bill then passes through a consideration stage and a third reading. In the House of Lords amendments may be made in the Committee of the Whole House, the consideration stage, and the third reading (this is different from the House of Commons where no amendments can be made in the third reading).the Bill started in the Commons it goes to the House of Lords for its first reading. If the Bill started in the Lords it returns to the House of Lords for consideration of any amendments the Commons has made. Both Houses must agree on the exact wording of the Bill. A Bill may go back and forth between each House (Ping Pong) until both Houses reach agreement.a Bill has completed all its parliamentary stages in both Houses, it must have Royal Assent before it can become an Act of Parliament (law). Royal Assent is the Monarch's agreement to make the Bill into an Act and is a formality. When Royal Assent has been given to a Bill, the announcement is usually made in both Houses by the Lord Speaker in the Lords and the Speaker in the Commons.

1.Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста и переведите их на русский язык.

1.The British Parliament consists of ____________________.

2.During the first reading the short title of the Bill __________

3.The second reading is the first opportunity _______________

.Committee stage is _______________________________.

5.Once committee stage is finished, the Bill returns to the floor of the House of Commons for its report stage, where __________________________.

.Report stage is followed by ________________________.

7.The process in the House of Lords is ________________.

.Royal Assent is _________________________________.

9.When Royal Assent has been given to a Bill, __________.

3. Просмотрите текст 3 и заполните таблицу, отражающую этапы принятия закона в Великобритании.

. Используя информацию из текстов 1, 2, 3, а также дополнительные источники заполните таблицу. Проанализируйте таблицу и сделайте вывод, что общего и в чем различия законодательного процесса в России, США и Великобритании

The Russian FederationThe United States of AmericaThe United KingdomThe legislative body and its structureMembers of each HouseRequirements for the members of both HousesWho can introduce the bill?The number of steps in the legislative processWho signs the bill?

. Работа в парах. Используя таблицу, задайте друг другу вопросы по каждому пункту. Сделайте совместную мини-презентацию темы.

6. РОЛЕВАЯ ИГРА «We are making laws»

Организация игры

.Все вместе предложите закон на рассмотрение (вы можете воспользоваться законами из «Loony Laws или вспомнить реально существующий законопроект). Решите, кто инициирует законопроект.

. Выберите одного человека на роль Президента. Его задача: ознакомиться с законопроектом, предложить свои поправки, одобрить, подписать и огласить закон, или отклонить его (наложить вето). Обосновать свое решение.

. Остальную часть группы поделите на две подгруппы - Государственная Дума (большая часть группы) и Совет Федерации.

. Задача обеих палат: выбрать председателя и под его руководством осуществлять рассмотрение законопроекта и выносить решение о принятии или отклонении закона.

. Прежде чем вступать в игру, вспомните содержание текста 1, еще раз проанализируйте процесс принятия закона в России. Для удобства можно изобразить процесс схематично на доске или воспользоваться схемой из Упражнения 4. Четко сформулируйте последовательность действий в игре (какая палата должна обсуждать законопроект первой, что потом происходит с проектом, как может действовать каждая палата, когда в игру вступает президент и др.). Помните, что игра интересна только тогда, когда она четко организована.


1.Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы:

·Think of several bad things that a government could do to its citizens. Give examples.

·How can citizens prevent a government from doing these things?

·What is a constitution?

·What basic principles are contained in a constitution?

·Why is a constitution the supreme law of any country?

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст

TEXT 4. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONConstitution of the Russian Federation is Russia's supreme law, passed through a national vote. It contains the basic principles of the Russian constitutional system.Constitution:

·defines the federative structure of the Russian Federation;

·establishes the principles of sovereignty and independence of the Russian Federation;

·defines the principle of separation of powers between legislative, executive and judicial branches;

·establishes equality of ideologies and religions;

·defines the Russian Federation as a secular state.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen, sets their priority when handling any questions, and proclaims the principle of equality before law and court. As for the federative structure, the Constitution contains the list of component units of the Russian Federation, covers the questions that are in the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and those that are in the joint jurisdiction of federal and local authorities.articles are devoted to the bodies of federal power: the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the Russian Federation and also the judicial power of the Russian Federation. In these articles, the order and the terms of appointed and elected officials and the limits of their competence are defined according to the principle of separation of powers.the Constitution accepted on December 12, 1993 at the all-Russia referendum, full authority in the RF belongs to the President and bodies of legislative (two-chamber parliament - Federal Assembly), executive (Government of the Russian Federation) and the judicial authority, which work independently.President of the Russian Federation is the Head of the State; the duties of the President are listed, including his status of the Supreme Commander of the military forces of the Russian Federation. The Constitution also contains the text of the oath taken by the President of the Russian Federation when entering the post.Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (the Federation Council and the State Duma) represents the legislature. The order of electing representatives for these chambers, their competence, terms of office are provided by the Constitution.Government of the Russian Federation is the executive branch. The Constitution determines the extent of its jurisdiction and also defines the order and the terms of office of government officials.power is implemented by means of constitutional, civil, administrative, and criminal legal proceedings. The Constitution establishes the principles of independence, irremovability and immunity of judges, thus providing for objectiveness and impartiality of the court.system of courts of the Russian Federation consists of:

·the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

·the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

·the Higher Arbitration Tribunal of the Russian Federation.

Separate articles are devoted to the office of Public Prosecutions of the Russian Federation with functions of supervision and control, and to the procedure for adoption of Constitutional amendments. The Constitution regulates the questions of local self-government, including its authority and sphere of activity.and Final provisions regulating the promulgation of the Constitution and its enforcement are included in Part 2 of the Constitution.

3. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и словосочетания из текста

1.to establish the principles of sovereignty and independence

2.to cover the questions

.to be devoted to the bodies of federal power


.legislative authority

.executive authority

.judicial authority

.to list the duties

.military forces

.to represent the legislature

.to determine the extent of the jurisdiction

.immunity of judges

13. objectiveness and impartiality of the court.

14. supervision and control

. promulgation of the Constitution and its enforcement

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским словам и словосочетаниям


2.принимать закон



.разбирать вопрос




.сроки полномочий

.вступать в должность


.чиновник (должностное лицо)

.несменяемость (постоянство)



16.приносить присягу

5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1.What does the Constitution of the RF define and establish?

2.What provisions does the Constitution have regarding the federative structure?

.What are the bodies of federal power?

.Who does the full authority belong to under the current Constitution?

.What provisions concerning the legislature are provided by the Constitution?

.What is the executive branch of the RF?

.How is judicial power implemented in the RF?

8.What does the system of courts consist of?

6. Подберите синонимы из правой колонки к словам в левой колонке

1. fundamental 2. power 3. independently 4. establish 5. duty 6. solemn promise 7. term 8. elect 9. objective 10. belong toa) impartial b) period of time c) be vested in d) choose e) obligation f) basic g) separately h) oath i) set up j) authority

7. Подберите антонимы из правой колонки к словам в левой колонке

1. competence 2. enter 3. sovereignty 4. accept 5. seculara) dependence b) reject c) ignorance d) vacate e) religious

. Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста

1) Constitution establishes …

·the principles of independence and partial sovereignty of the RF

·equalities of ideologies but not religions

·the principle of separation of powers

2) As for the federative structure, the Constitution …

·covers the questions that are exclusively in the jurisdiction of the RF leaving out the competence of federal and local authorities

·contains the list of component units of the RF

·covers only those questions that are in the joint jurisdiction of federal and local authorities

3) The bodies of federal power are…

·the Federal Assembly of the RF and the judiciary of the RF

·the President of the RF and the Government of the RF

·all the bodies mentioned above in a) and b)

4) The Federal Assembly of the RF represents

·the legislature

·the judiciary

·the executive branch

5) The Constitution determines…

·the extent of the jurisdiction of the executive branch

·the order and the terms of office of the governmental officials


6) Judicial power is implemented by means of …

·civil and criminal legal proceedings

·constitutional and administrative legal proceedings

·all the proceedings mentioned in a) and b)


Повторение грамматики: система времен английских глаголов в пассивном залоге

9. Замените глагольные формы в активном залоге в предложениях на пассивные, как указано в примерах и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

Examples:1The constitution defines the federative structure of the Russian Federation.federative structure of the Russian Federation is defined in the.2 The constitution defined the federative structure of the Russian Federation.federative structure of the Russian Federation was defined in the. (several years ago, yesterday, two days ago, the day before).3 The constitution will define the federative structure of the Russian Federation.federative structure of the Russian Federation will be defined in the

Constitution (one of these days, tomorrow, in a week, in several months).

1.The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen.

2.The Constitution defined the Russian Federation as a secular state in 1993.

.The Constitution contains the text of the oath taken by the President of the Russian Federation.

.The Constitution determines the extent of the jurisdiction of the Russian Government.

.The Constitution established the principles of independence, irremovability and immunity of judges when it was adopted.

.The Constitution will regulate the questions of local self-government in a year.

.Part 2 of the Constitution includes Transitional and Final provisions.

10. Соотнесите слова из правой колонки с их определениями из левой колонки.

1. an official 2. the legislative power 3. immunity 4. supervision 5. the executive power 6. competence 7. enforcement 8. the judicial power 9. legal proceeding 10. impartiality11. freedom from favoritism, disinterestedness, fairness 12. the quality or condition of being legally qualified to perform an act 13. a giving force to, authority, or effect to 14. one who holds an office or position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency 15. the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state 16. the part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state affairs 17. all actions that are authorized or sanctioned by law and instituted in a court or a tribunal for the acquisition of rights or the enforcement of remedies 18. authority belonging to an officially elected body of people vested with the responsibility to make laws 19. authoritative control over the affairs of others 20. exemption from normal legal duties, penalties, or liabilities, granted to a special group of people

11. Переведите предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из текста

1.Конституция Российской федерации - главный нормативный акт, имеющий высшую юридическую силу.

2.Конституция устанавливает основы социального, экономического и политического устройства России.

.Конституция провозглашает идею приоритета прав и свобод человека.

.Носителем суверенитета и единственным источником власти в РФ является ее многонациональный народ.

.Все граждане России равны перед законом и судом.

.Статья 10 Конституции Российской Федерации предусматривает принцип разделения государственной власти на законодательную, исполнительную и судебную.

.Судебная власть осуществляется посредством конституционного, гражданского, административного и уголовного судопроизводства.

.Согласно Конституции судьи обладают независимостью, несменяемостью и неприкосновенностью.

.Компетенция Прокуратуры включает надзор за исполнением законов всеми учреждениями, должностными лицами и гражданами.

10.При вступлении в должность Президент Российской Федерации приносит присягу.


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1.When was the US Constitution adopted?

2.What does the US Constitution consist of?

.How are the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution called?

.What rights and liberties are protected under the Bill of Rights?

.What is required in federal criminal cases?

.What kind of trial is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

.What are key features of the US Constitution?

.What are the three branches of power according to the Constitution?

.Is there a strict separation of powers?

.Does any branch have more power than the others?

.What duties does every branch have regarding the other branches under the principle of checks and balances?

.What are the composition and powers of the judicial branch according to the US Constitution?

TEXT 5. THE US CONSTITUTIONform of the US government is based on the Constitution of 1787 which was adopted after the War of Independence. The US Constitution consists of 7 articles and 27 amendments. The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights and were adopted in 1791 under popular pressure.

The Bill of Rights is a series of limitations on the power of the United States federal government, protecting the natural rights and liberties, property including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well as the right to keep and carry arms. In federal criminal cases, it requires indictment by a grand jury for any capital crime, guarantees a speedy, public trial with an impartial jury composed of members of the state in which the crime occurred.key feature of the US Constitution is federalism - the division of power between the national government and the states. Another major feature of the Constitution is the principle of the separation of powers within the national government. According to this principle the executive, legislative and judicial branches exercise powers that are largely separate and distinct. There is not a strict and complete separation of powers, the powers of the three branches overlap. Each branch has its own responsibilities, but no branch has more power than the other branches. There is the system of checks and balances, that is each branch has certain duties to check the powers of the other branches. This system was meant to protect against the extremes since it makes compromise and consensus necessary.legislative branch is called the Congress which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It is the responsibility of the Congress to propose and pass laws. In the system of checks and balances, Congress can refuse to approve Presidential appointments and can override presidential veto.executive branch consists of the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet and the 13 Departments, and also of the independent agencies. Its responsibility is to enforce laws. According to the principle of checks and balances, the President has the power of veto to reject the bill of the Congress. He also appoints all Supreme Court Justices.judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court, 11 Circuit Courts of Appeals and 94 District Courts. This branch explains and interprets laws and makes decisions in lawsuits. It has the power over the other two branches and according to the principle of checks and balances can declare their actions and laws unconstitutional in case they violate the principles of the Constitution.

2. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель


c)I think it is true. The text tells us that ………

d)To my mind, it is false because …………

1.The US Constitution was adopted in 1918 after the World War I.

2.The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights.

.The Bill of Rights sets forth the structure of the Federal Government.

.The key features of the US Constitution are federalism, the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances.

.The legislative branch has more powers then the others.

.The powers of the three branches don't overlap.

.The system of checks and balances was meant to protect against the extremes.

8.The responsibilities of the Congress are to protect the rights of citizens and enforce laws.

9.The executive branch consists of the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet and the 13 Departments, and also of the independent agencies.

10.The judicial branch explains and interprets laws and makes decisions in lawsuits.

3. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы

1.What makes the UK Constitution different from other constitutions?

2.What are the sources of the UK Constitution?

.What is the core principle of the UK Constitution?

.What bodies represent the three branches of power (executive, legislative and judiciary)?

TEXT 6. THE BRITISH CONSTITUTIONBritish Constitution is unwritten unlike the constitution in America or the proposed European Constitution, and as such, is referred to as an uncodified constitution in the sense that there is no single document that can be identified as Britain's constitution. The British Constitution can be found in a variety of documents. The main ones are: Statutes (the Magna Carta of 1215 and the Act of Settlement of 1701), Acts of Parliament; customs and traditions, political conventions, case law; constitutional matters decided in a court of law.

Since the English Civil War, the core principle of the British constitution has traditionally been the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, according to which the statutes passed by Parliament are the UK's supreme and final source of law. It follows that Parliament can change the constitution simply by passing new Acts of Parliamentto to be followed by the Royal Assent. There is some debate about whether this principle remains entirely valid today, in part due to the UK's European Union membership.

According to the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, Parliament may pass any legislation that it wishes. There are many Acts of Parliament which themselves have constitutional significance. For example, Parliament has the power to determine the length of its own term. However, the Sovereign retains the power to dissolve parliament at any time on the advice of the Prime Minister. Parliament also has the power to change the structure of its constituent houses and the relation between them.consists of the Sovereign, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. All the legislation must receive the approval of the Sovereign (Royal Assent). Following the accession of the UK to European Economic Community (now the European Union) in 1972, the UK became bound by European law and more importantly, the principle of the supremacy of European Union law.House of Commons alone possesses the power to pass a motion of no confidence in the Government, which requires the Government either to resign or seek fresh elections. Such a motion does not require passage by the Lords, or Royal Assent. Parliament traditionally also has the power to remove individual members of the government by impeachment. By the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 it has the power to remove individual judges from office for misconduct.executive power in the United Kingdom is exercised by the Sovereign through Her Majesty's Government. The monarch appoints a Prime Minister as the head of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister then selects the other Ministers which make up the Government. As in some other parliamentary systems of government, the executive is answerable to Parliament.Courts of the United Kingdom are separated into three separate jurisidictions serving England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, as the United Kingdom does not have a single unified judicial system.Constitutional Reform Act 2005 created a new Supreme Court of the United Kingdom to take over the judicial functions of the House of Lords and devolution cases from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The Supreme Court began work in 2009, and serves as the highest court of appeal in England and Wales and in Northern Ireland, and for civil cases in Scotland. The High Court of Justiciary will remain the court of last resort in Scotland for criminal cases.

4. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения

1.The British Constitution is unwritten like the Constitutions of the USA and the Proposed European Constitution.

2.The British Constitution can be found in a variety of documents.

.Amendments to the British Constitution need the approval of the both Houses of Parliament, but they do not need the Royal Assent.

.The parliamentary sovereignty has always been the core principle of the British Constitution.

.The Sovereign has no power to dissolve parliament.

.Parliament has no power to change the structure of its houses.

.The British Parliament consists only of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

.The European law has priority over the UK law.

.The executive power in the United Kingdom is exercised by the Sovereign.

10.The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 created a new Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

5. Прочитайте текст о разных видах конституции и переведите его письменно.

Types of ConstitutionsConstitution is a system which establishes the fundamental rules and principles which a state will use to govern and regulate.are several types of constitutions: written/unwritten constitution, rigid/flexible constitution, federal/unitary constitution.term written constitution is used to describe a constitution that is entirely written, that is codified in one single document. Written constitutions normally consist of a ceremonial preamble, which sets forth the goals of the state and the motivation for the constitution, and several articles containing the substantive provisions.term unwritten constitution is used to describe a based on series of laws over time. Unwritten constitutions could contain written sources: e.g. constitutional statutes enacted by the Parliament; and also unwritten sources: constitutional conventions, customs and traditions.historians use the term rigid to describe the Constitution because the provisions are in a written document that cannot be legally changed with the same ease and in the same manner as ordinary laws. On the other hand, the Constitution is called flexible because it is an unwritten document that can be changed by an act of Parliament or through a process of amendment.federal constitution establishes the division of authority between the Federal Government and the component units of the government. In a federal constitution, sovereignty is invested in the central government. It allows a limited amount of government among units.unitary constitution relates to the parliament. It follows parliamentary system of power. The unitary constitution establishes a unitary system of government where a central government does exist. Although units are associated with that government, sovereignty is controlled by the central government.

6. Используя текст, охарактеризуйте конституции Российской Федерации, США и Великобритании


1. Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is email?

2.What do you think about this way of communication?

.How often do you write emails?

.How does email differ from a letter?

.Do you know any rules of writing an email?

Каждое письмо E-mail содержит две основные части: заголовок и тело.

Заголовок письма содержится в следующих полях:

·В поле To: (Куда) записывается адрес получателя сообщения. В зависимости от используемого сервера или почтовой клиент-программы это поле может называться Message To: или Mail To:.

·Поле From: (Ваш адрес E-mail) Обычно этот адрес автоматически записывается и поэтому может отсутствовать на экране.

·В поле Subject: (Тема) указывается краткая аннотация содержания сообщения (не более 20-30 знаков)

·В поле Сс (carbone copy): (Копия) при необходимости записываются адреса корреспондентов, которым рассылаются копии сообщений.

·В поле Всс (blind carbone copy): (Скрытая копия) указываются адреса корреспондентов, которым копии сообщений рассылаются в тайне от первого адресата.

Структура тела электронного письма:

  1. Salutation (приветствие). Выбор приветственной фразы зависит того, насколько хорошо вы знаете адресата.
  2. Opening sentence (вступительное предложение). Объясняет причину создания письма,всегда начинается с заглавной буквы.
  3. Main part (основная часть). Содержание письма.
  4. Conclusion (заключение). Часть, в которой вы сообщаете о том, что ждете (или не ждете) ответа от адресата.
  5. Close (прощание).

2.Посмотрите на фразы, приведенные в упражнении, и распределите их по соответствующим колонкам

Dear Sir or Madam [no name or no close]wishesfree to get in touch* if you have any questionsall'm writing to thank you...sincerely*a short email to inform you...the bestMr, Mrs, Msforward to* your replywhom it may concern*me know if you need anything elseeveryoneregards*not hesitate* to contact us if you need any assistanceyou (soon)look forward to hearing from you:get in touch - связаться с к-либоsincerely - искренне вашlook forward to - с нетерпением ждать concern - касаться, иметь отношение к ч-либо

best regards - с уважением, с наилучшими пожеланиями.

SalutationOpening sentenceConclusionClose salutation

3. Посмотрите на образец письма и соедините цифры с соответствующими английскими названиями частей электронного письма

the heading of the email, opening sentence, the body of the email, addressee, conclusion, sender, Carbone copy (Cc), salutation, close, blind сarbone copy (Bcc), main part

NOTE: Все электронные письма можно разделить на две группы: деловые, официальные и личные, неофициальные. В зависимости от того, кому адресовано письмо (работодателю, начальнику, коллеге по бизнесу или другу, приятелю, хорошо знакомому коллеге по работе) выбираются соответствующие фразы и выражения. Изучите список фраз, которые используются в деловых и личных письмах.

Formal emailsInformal emailsSalutation: When you don't know the name: Dear Sir or Madam To whom it may concern When you know the name: Dear Mr, Mrs, Ms* When writing to a group: Dear all Opening sentence: I'm writing to inform confirm request update you This is to let you know to thank you Main part: I would like to Please find the requested information attached We hope you I do apologize for We regret to information Could/Can you please send me...? We are working on your request Conclusion: I look forward to/ Looking forward to Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance I'd appreciate a reply asap Close: Your sincerely Best regards Regards Best wishesSalutation: When you don't know the name: Hello [no salutation] When you know the name: John/Mary etc. [no salutation] When writing to a group: Hi everyone Opening sentence: How are you? How's it going? Just a quick note to tell Just a short email to get in touch Writing to help Main part: Re your email, I... I'm sorry, but Thanks for... Here's the low-down on... You'll be happy to hear Conclusion: Please answer asap Feel free to get in touch with any questions Have a nice day/weekend Hope to hear from you soon Close: All the best Best See you Take care Buy [just the name or initials] [no close]

*Mr - господин- госпожа (обращение к замужней женщине)- госпожа (обращение к женщине, семейное положение которой не имеет значения)

. Посмотрите на электронные письма и определите, какие из них являются официальными, а какие неофициальными. Почему?

. Для современных электронных писем характерны различные аббревиатуры и сокращения:

отдельные слова- appointment- advertisement

некоторые фразыthe mo - at the moment- in other words- by the way - for your information

. Посмотрите на приведенные примеры и расшифруйте сокращения.

1.appt 2. asap 3. eg 4. etc 5. info 6. pls 7. wk 8. Mon 9. Fri 10. Apr 11. Dec 12. thx 13. CU 14.LOL 15. IMO

7. Напишите два электронных письма: деловое, официальное и личное, неофициальное. Тему выберете самостоятельно или используйте предложенные варианты

Formal emailInformal email1. напишите письмо коллеге по работе и подтвердите свое участие в деловой встрече, уточните время и дату встречи. 2. напишите письмо организаторам конференции и сообщите тему своего выступления. 3. напишите письмо в отель и забронируйте номер на определенную дату и попросите подтвердить возможность резервирования, а также цену номера. 4. напишите письмо своему клиенту и отмените запланированную встречу, объясните причину, извинитесь и назначьте новую встречу.· напишите письмо одногруппнику и узнайте расписание занятий. · напишите письмо маме, расскажите что-нибудь о себе. · напишите письмо другу или подруге и договоритесь о вечеринке. · напишите письмо хорошо знакомому коллеге и расскажите о предстоящей командировке.


  1. according to smth - согласно ч-либо
  2. adopt a decree - принимать указ
  3. approve a bill - одобрять законопроект
  4. be in charge of smth/doing smth - возглавлять ч-либо, нести ответственность за ч-либо
  5. bring charges against smb - выдвигать обвинения против к-либо
  6. by means of smth - по средствам ч-либо, с помощью ч-либо
  7. consider a law - рассматривать закон
  8. cover the questions - охватывать вопросы
  9. create legislation - создавать закон
  10. define basic principles of the constitution - определять основные принципы конституции
  11. enter a post - вступать в должность
  12. establish the principle of independence, irremovability and immunity - устанавливать принцип независимости, несменяемости и неприкосновенности
  13. functions of supervision and control - функции надзора и контроля
  14. handle questions - решать вопросы
  15. implement judicial power - осуществлять судебную власть
  16. law-making body - законодательный орган
  17. make amendments - вносить поправки
  18. override the veto - отменять вето
  19. pass a law - принять закон
  20. reach a compromise - прийти к компромиссу
  21. reject a bill -отклонять законопроект
  22. rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen - права и свободы человека и гражданина
  23. take an oath - принимать присягу
  24. the principle of equality before law - принцип равенства перед законом
  25. the supreme law - высший закон
  26. vote on a draft law - голосовать по законопроекту



Для правильного перевода очень важно выяснить функцию английского слова и каким членом предложения оно является. Этому в значительной мере помогает так называемый твердый порядок слов английского предложения.

В отличие от русского языка в английском языке подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение обычно стоят в строгой последовательности одно за другим, как бы являются «костяком» предложения ПСД (Подлежащее, Сказуемое, Дополнение). Обстоятельства, как правило, стоят до или после «костяка». Определение не имеет постоянного места в предложении и может находиться рядом с любым членом предложения, который требует определения.

Исходя из вышеизложенного, можем себе представить следующую схему расположения членов предложения в английском языке:



Положительная прилагательным, наречием

степень в положительной степени- сильный, -ая, -ое- поздно

для односложных

Сравнительная + er

степень прилагательным, наречием

для многосложных с суффиксом - ее

more + stronger - сильнее, later- позднее,

less more (less) useful - более (менее)


Превосходная + для односложных

степень + est

для многосложных прилагательным с суффиксом

(the) most + -ейший, наречием с суффиксом-ее + всего (всех)

(the) strongest - сильнейший,самый

сильный,(the) latest - позднее всего,

самый (наименее) + прилагательноеmost (least) useful - самый (на-

именее) полезный.


to V V2f V3f V+ing


TENSEVOICEKeyNameSignal wordsActivePassiveFactsPresent SimpleUsually, always, sometimes, seldom, every day... V or V+s (he, she, it)am is + V(3f) arePast SimpleYesterday, last...., ....ago, in 1997, the other day...V+ ed (2f)was were + V(3f)Future SimpleTomorrow, next...., in some time, one of these days...shall will + Vshall, will + be + V(3f)ProcessPresent ProgressiveNow, at this momentam is + Ving aream is being + V(3f) arePast ProgressiveYesterday at 3 o' clock, all day long, when, while...was were + Vingwas were + being + V(3f)Future ProgresiveTomorrow at 3 o'clock, all day tomorrow, while...shall will + be + Ving_ResultPresent PerfectAlready, just, yet, ever, this week, year, month, lately, recently...have has + V(3f)have has + been + V(3f) Past PerfectBefore, after, by the end of last year,hardly. . .whenhad + V(3f)had been + V(3f)Future PerfectBy next week...shall will + have + V(3f)shall +have + been will +V(3f)PeriodPresent Perfect ProgressiveSince, for a year.., how long?have has + been + Ving_Past Perfect ProgressiveFor some time before ... when (as) had + been + Ving_Future Perfect ProgressiveFor some time by next May...shall have + been will + Ving_


1. Marcel Berlins, Clare Dyer. The Law Machine, London, Penguin books, Fifth Edition, 2000

. Geoffrey Rivlin. Understanding the Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, Fourth Edition, 2006

. Richard Powell. Law Today. Longman Group UK Ltd.,1993

4. Электронные ресурсы:


http://www.WestsEncyclopedia <> of American Law Answers.com










<http://www.answers.com/> - энциклопедия

<http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/dailylp/dailylp/dailylp081.shtml> - lesson plan Crazy Laws: There Must Have Been a Good Reason?

<http://loonylaws.com/> - Loony Laws (outrageous city ordinances and silly state statutes).

<http://archive.kremlin.ru/eng/articles/ConstIntro01.shtml> - President of Russia (official website). The Constitution of Russia.

<http://www.whitehouse.gov/our-government/legislative-branch> - the White House website.

<http://www.parliament.uk/about/how/laws/> - UK Parliament website.

http://gup.narod.ru/laba3/Ponjatie/PonEmailn.htm#1 <http://gup.narod.ru/laba3/Ponjatie/PonEmailn.htm> - Понятие об электронной почте.

Rebecca Chapman. Oxford Business English. English for Emails. Express Series.

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