Plane crash under Lokberi

Министерство Транспорта Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство Воздушного Транспорта (Росавиация)

ФГОУ ВПО Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет ГА

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Тема: Plane crash under Lokberi

Студента 1 курса, группы 210

Специализация ОЛР

Факультета лётной эксплуатации

Выполнил: Амбарцумов Армаис Григорьевич


The Explosion

Am Flight 103 taxied out of the gate at Heathrow Airport in London at 6:04 p.m. on December 21, 1988 - four days before Christmas. The 243 passengers and 16 crew members were preparing themselves for a relatively long flight to New York. After taxying for a few minutes, Flight 103, on a Boeing 747, took off at 6:25 p.m. They had no idea that they only had 38 more minutes to live. By 6:56 p.m., the plane had reached 31,000 feet. At 7:03 p.m., the plane exploded. Control had just been issuing Flight 103's clearance to start its oceanic segment of their journey to New York, when Flight 103's blip went off their radar. Seconds later the one large blip was replaced with multiple blips traveling downwind.the residents of Lockerbie, Scotland, their nightmare was just about to begin. "It was like meteors falling from the sky," described resident Ann Mc. Phail (Newsweek, Jan. 2, 1989, pg. 17). Flight 103 was over Lockerbie when it exploded. Many residents described the sky lighting up and a large, deafening roar. They soon saw pieces of the plane as well as pieces of bodies landing in fields, in backyards, on fences, and on rooftops. Fuel from the plane was already on fire before it hit the ground; some of it landed on houses, making the houses explode. One of the plane's wings hit the ground in the southern area of Lockerbie. It hit the ground with such impact that it created a crater 155 feet long, displacing approximately 1500 tons of dirt. The nose of the airplane landed mostly intact in a field about four miles from the town of Lockerbie. Many said the nose reminded them of a fish's head cut off from its body.was strewn over 50 square miles. Twenty-one of Lockerbie's houses were completely destroyed and eleven of its residents were dead. Thus, the total death toll was 270 (the 259 aboard the plane plus the 11 on the ground).

Why Was Flight 103 Bombed?

explosion plane lokerbi

Though the flight held passengers from 21 countries, the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 hit the United States especially hard. Not only because 179 of the 259 people on board were Americans, but because the bombing shattered America's sense of safety and security. Americans in general felt trodden upon by the unknown danger of terrorism. Though there is no doubt of the horror of this crash, this bomb and its aftermath was just the most recent in a string of similar events. As revenge for the bombing of a Berlin nightclub where two U.S. personnel were killed, President Ronald Reagan <#"justify">1.Why was flight 103 bombed?

.What happened to the plane?

.How a bomb carried by on flight 103?

.How many people was lost in a plane crash?

.What article in Newsweek declared?

.What break in investigation gave valuable information?

.Who blew up Flight 103 according to researchers?

.What occurred to Megrakhi?

.What occurred to Fkhimakh?

1.Почему Рейс 103 взорвали?

.Что произошло с самолётом после взрыва?

.Каким образом бомбу пронесли на Рейс 103?

.Сколько человек погибло в авиакатастрофе?

.Что заявила статья в Newsweek?

.Какой прорыв в расследовании дал ценную информацию?

.Кто взорвал Рейс 103, по мнению исследователей?

.Что произошло с Мегракхи?

.Что произошло с Фхимахом?


1.According to many people, explosion onboard occurred because of revenge, when the American president - Ronald Reagan ordered the bombing of Libya's capital Tripoli and the Libyan city of Benghazi in 1986.

.At explosion the plane broke up into parts and started to fall with a deafening roar and being shone. Wreckage was strewn over 50 square miles.

.The bomb was made out of the plastic explosive Semtex and was activated by a timer. The bomb was hidden in a Toshiba radio-cassette player which in turn, was inside a brown Samsonite suitcase.

.The total death toll was 270 (the 259 aboard the plane plus the 11 on the ground)

.Right after the crash, an article in Newsweek stated, "It would be up to George Bush to decide whether, and how, to retaliate" (Jan. 2, 1989, pg. 14). Does the United States have any more right to "retaliate" than do the Arab countries?

.The investigators believe they received a "big break" when a man and his dog were walking in a forest about 80 miles from Lockerbie. While walking, the man found a T-shirt which turned out to have pieces of the timer in it.

.Investigators felt confident they knew who bombed Flight 103 - Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah.

.. On January 31, 2001, Megrahi was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Fhimah was acquitted. On August 20, 2009, the UK gave Megrahi, who suffers from terminal prostate cancer, a compassionate release from prison so that he could go back to Libya to die amongst his family.

.Fhimah was acquitted.

Words and their translation

·Plane - Самолёт

·Blow up - Взрываться

·Explosion - Взрыв

·To taxy out - Выруливать

·Board - Борт

·Wing - Крыло

·Fore - Нос

·Terror - Террор

·Investigation - Расследование

·To achieve - Достигать

·Panic -- Паника

·Мilitary - Военный

·Mark - Отметка

·Flash - Вспышка

·To refuse - Отказаться

·To assume - Полагать

·Blasted - Разрушенный

·Engine - Двигатель

·Poverful - Мощный

·Air controller - Диспетчер

·Chassis - Шасси

·Echelon - Эшелон

·Dictator - Диктатор

·Judicature - Суд

·Control - Контроль

·Correction - Исправление

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